Photography & Identify Flies as Enemy Farmers

in #photography6 years ago
Aceh is a tropical country rich in the type or variety of fruits. This climate in Aceh enables the easy variety of fruits to grow, so that in a difficult economic situation as a result of the prolonged monetary crisis, the agribusiness sector is a mainstay. Fruit commodities, especially imported fruits, are rising sharply. This opens up opportunities for local fruits to compete, but the quality of the fruits is high.

Potential and market opportunities of horticultural commodities especially fruits are increasing as the people demand high-quality fruits. Fruit is one of the prospective commodities that prospect because from year to year its production continues to increase.

However, the problem faced is the availability of fruit quality, various efforts are made to develop the postharvest technology of fruits so that the fruit can be accepted as an export commodity, one of them is the development of sorting technology or quality improvement.

This can see at Aceh because this area has many fruit plants such as star fruit, guava, water, oranges, chilli, papaya, jackfruit, mango, tomatoes and others. With the existence of various kinds of fruits can be understood that this condition is easy to develop flies.

Therefore it is a necessary effort to fix it. Pest attack is one cause of low quality of local fruits. Pest or flies attacks to date are very disturbing farmers or entrepreneurs of fruits.

Flies can spawn in the fruit and the hatching larvae of the egg will damage the flesh, so the fruit becomes rotten and deciduous. The characteristic of the fruit fly is that it can only lay eggs in the fruit, the larvae (maggots) that hatch from the egg will damage the flesh, so the fruits become rotten and fall.

Consumers are often disappointed that the fruit purchased contains larvae or rotten. This can reduce the competitiveness of Aceh's horticultural commodities in the global market, even the export of Acehnese mango has been rejected by the destination country by reason of containing fruit flies. Fruit flies include pests that cause huge losses to agriculture in Aceh, especially fruit and vegetable farmers.

Identification of Fruit Flies Identification Types of flies Fruit found in a unique way to find and locate individuals different from those found under a binocular microscope.

When we compare with the characteristics that exist then the type of fruit flies found is a type of Bactrocera Dorsalis characteristic of adult flies have patches or spots of black, white or yellowish on the wings are transparent and the body in some parts black.

Types of fruit flies contained in fruit samples Among the 5 kinds of fruit examined and infected by fruit flies were found 4 species of fruit flies, after being identified by species ie Bactrocera Carambolae, Bactrocera albistrigata, Bactrocera cucurbitae, and Bactrocera.

This is because fruit flies that attack fruit only one species only. Indicates that the type of fruit examined was attacked by fruit flies, as fruit flies attack only the fruit with soft fruit skin texture, fruit flesh colour, and fruit odour.

All of the above Pictures is as easy to obtain as it shows the variation of the fruit flies attack on the studied fruit.

Bactrocera cucurbitae and Bactrocera papaya attack only papaya fruit. But fruit flies that attack more than one fruit Bactrocera carambolae attack the fruit of mango, starfruit, guava stone, guava water. Bactrocera albistigata attack mango fruit, guava water.

This occurs by the variety of food odours, colours, fruit flavours and soft fruit flesh favoured by certain fruit flies. so there is a stimulus that directs the attack of fruit flies Tephritidae of them are soft and thin.

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