Living the high life: Pilot's amazing photos from the cockpit

in #photography6 years ago

if you’re bored of existence on the road, those pics of a pilot’s existence will make you green with envy. christiaan van heijst virtually appears to be residing the high lifestyles and has taken severa photographs to offer human beings a view from the cockpit.

the boeing 747-eight cargo plane pilot has seen thunderstorms, taking pictures stars and sunsets from up above the clouds and has regarded down on mountaintops, carpets of cloud and towns lit up at night.

the wonderful pix give a glimpse of the view from the pilots are dealt with to every day.

van heijst, 34, from haarlem within the netherlands, said: “all snap shots together create a far larger image of what it’s want to fly high up inside the empty skies, an remoted vastness where human beings or animals clearly don't have any vicinity to be.

“one of the captivating aspects of flying for me is being in this full-size and nearly empty world this is completely alien for humans and can only be seen and experienced when flying a modern-day aircraft.

“there may be a powerful and peaceful feel of solitude about it even as sitting in a small cockpit, 38,000 feet up in the sky with a vista that extends lots of miles from horizon to horizon and no longer some other person close for masses of miles, besides my colleague, of course.

“perspectives which are particular and by no means to be visible once more, i simply experience i must capture and proportion them, before they're long past for precise.”

van heijst has been mesmerized by means of flying considering that he was four years vintage. he started out working in the direction of getting his pilot’s license at 18.

he continually saved his digital camera with him as he started flying, and after extra than 14 years as a professional pilot he has honed his pictures approach. (caters news)

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