Ladoga skerries #4 - land of boulders

in #photography5 years ago

Visiting Ladoga skerries this summer, I already had in mind that I will take some pics for @shasta's boulder challenge. So, I have enough supply for dozen posts.. I will try to pack them all in one... ok, well, maybe two.


Карелия - это древние горы, они образованы гранитной породой три с половиной миллиарда лет назад. Когда-то здесь были высокие Гималаи, сегодня здесь низкие холмы, все что не поддалось дыханию времени. Это настоящее царство камней, мхов и лишайников.
Karelia is an ancient mountains, formed by granite rock three and a half billion years ago. Once upon a time there were high Himalayas here, today there are only low hills, pale remains that did not succumb to the breath of time. This is a real kingdom of stones, mosses and lichens.


В XIX веке именно здесь добывали гранит, из которого построены многие постройки Санкт-Петербурга. Несколько камней, оставленных камнетесами, все еще лежат здесь (под ними можно увидеть сосновые стволы - это деревянные катки, которые высохли и прекрасно сохранились, они не гниют, потому что высохли). В Карелии есть еще одно интересное место для туристов: Горный парк Рускеала; это брошенные мраморные карьеры, очень красивое место (но это не Ладога, он ближе к городу).
Many buildings of St. Petersburg were built / decorated with granite, mined at these shores back in the XIX century. Unbelievable, but it was done with hands! A few stones left by the stonecutters still lie around (one can see a pine trunks beneath them - they served as a rollers, they have been perfectly preserved and do not rot because they have dried well). there is another intresting place of intrest for tourists in Karelia, named _the Ruskeala Mountain Park_ (it is not located at Ladoga skerries, but succifiently closer to the city). Basically, its a Marble quarry, very intresting location to check.




Настоящий цвет этих гранитов - розовый, серыми их делают время и покрывающие их лишайники. Это видно на сколах камня. Гранит - порода прочная, поэтому сколы редки.
Pink is the real color of these granites, it is time and the lichens covering them, that make them look so gray. The real colour can be seen on the chips of stone, but granite stone is durable, and chipped spots are quite rare.


Нам попадалось много красивых кварцитов. В разных местах наш проводник показывал: вот жила, можно наковырять себе рубинов! увы, эти рубины совсем не те, что индийские, мелкие невзрачные зернышки, не представляющие интереса, даже и сфоткать толком нечего.
We came across many beautiful quartzites. From time to time, our guide stopped at places to note us: look, here you can pick rubies! -- alas, these rubies are not at all the same as the Indian ones, they are small, inconspicuous seeds of no interest, really nothing intresting for a photographer.


На одном острове я нашел жилу, выглядевшую точно как настоящая золотая пыль! (Правда, "настоящей" я сам живьем ни разу не видел). Надеюсь, снимок передает мои ощущения.. Эта порода, "вааламит", моложе гранита (всего 2,5 млрд лет) и менее прочная. на месте этой жилы, между 2х гранитных слоев, большой каньон: вааламит выветривается, а гранит ни на шаг не сдает свои позиции...
One of the islands revealed us a rock vein called "vaalamite": it is less ancient than granite (2.5 billion years old only) and less durable; at this certain spot, where I took the pic, this vein lies between two granite layers, and theres a large canyon here: _the vaalamite_ had eroded, and _the granite_ did not lose its position a step. It loked like a real gold dust for me! A good chance to mention @rt395, who is running #mineralmondays, hope you will find this intresting.


Пляж, заросший тростником.
Here is a reeded sandy beach.


Песчаные пляжи - редкость на Северной Ладоге, они есть только на нескольких островах, а так они в дефиците. 99% это галька и булыжники разной степени увесистости. Очень часто, берег - это одна огромная монолитная каменюга.
Sandy beaches are quite rare at the Northern Ladoga (altho the southern shore of the lake is all plain and sandy, no rocks and no skerries here). So, 99% of the beaches are pebbles and cobblestones of varying degrees. Very often, the shore is one huge stone monolith.






boul_5042 a.jpg

boul_5042 b.jpg


Пространство между камнями интенсивно используется, в основном оно населено пауками - угадайте, почему...
The in-between space is heavily used and inhabited, gues who are the landlords...




Скупая, но чудесная флора ладожских шхер (включая ягоды) - тема нашей следующей лекции
The poor but wonderful flora of Ladoga skerries (including berries, @ackhoo!) is the topic of our next lecture.



I've captured some very cool shadows there, this was the very 1st one, of course I couldnt but remember about you, @melinda010100. I hope you like it as much as I did.. and let me hoard the rest, till the weekly topic become 'people' or 'boats'


the images taken with Canon 5d + 16-35mm 2.8L, all rights reserved

This is my entry both for the #BoulderSunday and #MountainMonday challenge hosted by @shasta

Now I am calling a few friends, who I promised a photo-review of my trip; at least check the pictures... maybe you become passionate enough to join me in the next years? who knows... @bambuka, @tatdt, @lightcaptured, @ackhoo, @ewkaw


Когда я уже побываю в Карелии... Проездом был в сторону Финляндии.

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@apnigrich, у меня ситуация зеркальная, но хуже... проездом был в Карелии столько раз, когда уже доеду до финки...
если есть интерес, могу дать контакт группы вк, которая организует эти походы, даты планируются сильно заранее, а ценник кмк очень и очень бюджетный, на человека около 7-8к получается, а дети (!) бесплатно.

А меня дочь в 2017 настропалила.. поехали, мол, порыбачить. 🙈 за 2к километров в одну сторону. 😅
А группы просто там гуляют, экскурсии? Сколько по дням? Или однодневки?
Мне бы чтоб удочки помочить. Наверное, надо или дикарем или искать гида карельского.

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вы есть в дискорде? давайте я туда напишу. @apnigrich
мой номер @qwerrie#3288

Rocks tell many stories, to some they may look the same, each region will tell a story about lava flow or how it came into being. Others are put to good use like your granite stones.

Some you crack open to see the crystals inside, yes rocks are beautiful each with a unique story which you told very well with your outing @qwerrie

thank you for visiting! this is not displayed in the post, but my personal faves are the smooth one, that look like a melted ice-cream - actually, were 'ironed' by the Glaciers thru hundred thousands years. i dont see shores like this anywhere else (but I dont travel too much), so maybe I have kind of an imprinting :P @joanstewart

Footprint of water over the earth leaves stunning results, on top of some of our mountains their are rugged rocks that look like lava bubbles from millions of year ago. Always nice to see different landscapes with the history.

Hi qwerrie,

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very much appreciated. thank you!

Not much different! Jezz..I think we are almost the same! from climate, nature...don’t we?

yes, thats why I asked.. a lot of Russian emigrants choose Canada, as the 'closest option' to the motherland.. @gotlius

Wow what a place! Love how the roots go in the cracks..
And of course all the mosses, lichens (you even hot the cups) and fluffy grasses. Cool trip!

@ewkaw, mosses and lichens (and the flowers) will go to a separate post. this was focused on stones only. ofc, I didnt cut out the moss from the frame : P

i am glad you enjoyed it. btw: I didnt stumbled a sundew this time.
but! I noticed it afterwards,-- hiding quietly in one of my mushroom shoots. isnt it nice..

Can't wait for that then :)

What fantastic rocks! And thanks for including that wonderful shadow photo! ❤️

my pleasure! more will follow... but this one imo is the coolest of them all.

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Those are really cool stones!!! Me like stones lately!

What a seriously cool selection of boulder shots so many of them and all so interesting

glad, you like it. its comically easy to create one, if you are there : P

Like it I loved it ;)

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @curationkiwi.

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