Photographic Perspective: The Sweet Life of Bumble Bees, Flying Around Sipping Sweet Nectar! Photos and the Insights from being with nature.

in #photography8 years ago

I love being out in nature; I find it very calming, healthy and inspiring. Most of all my greatest realizations and innovations come from observing and being in harmony with nature. 

Look how alive and connected this guy is...And look at that beautiful object of affection he is just getting all up in! He knows exactly what he wants and fully embraces it!

As soon as he has had enough he flies on to the next object of his desire. Fully capable of fulfilling his purpose. 

He is so strong that his wings beat quickly. Not only can he fly effortlessly, but my camera with quick shutter speed cannot even capture the beauty of those wings. 

I am grateful for photography, as when I see beautiful scenes my immediate desire is to be able to share it with the people I care about. 

So today I share some nice photos of a most lovely scene.  A very happy bumble bee just buzzing around all day sipping sweet nectar, having his way with life.

I am constantly amazed by how effortlessly animals--and bugs in particular--navigate their worlds. Their strength to weight ratios are awesome, and their endurance goes all day without fail. 

Something I am often reminded of when observing nature, is how weak the human flesh machines have become.  Most humans can hardly even lift their own body weight, let alone go non stop all day long. Of course we have machines and technology to do "the work" for us, so it appears better. Yet at what cost? 

Putting health and physical strength aside, I find that most unhealthy people spend very little time outdoors. Being outdoors, even if it's just sitting or casually walking, is very enjoyable to me and I find great health benefits in it. I see a direct correlation between ever-increasing weak health and disconnection from nature. 

I hope to be able to share a little bit of nature's medicine with you here today and maybe even inspire you to go outdoors and appreciate life more than ever!

I hope this brings value to the community and as always your feedback is appreciated!

∞§∞ SteemON ∞§∞


Thank you for being so amazing!
I love you <3

So grateful to witness your magnificence every day!

OMG I love this so much. The photos are beautiful but the perspective is divine!

Another beautiful life adventure!
Thanks for sharing so much inspiring potential!

I love watching bumblebees! Great photos

Med too!
Thanks for sharing~*~

Thank you for sharing in the beauty~*~

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