Myself, Itself and Sunrises

in #photography6 years ago


The photo above I capture when Im on the beach in the morning in the area of ​​Bangka, Aceh. When I see a tree that is just one itself without any other trees, it comes to my mind
" this tree alone, very painful to be alone!!, is he (tree) road or run away from the noisiness for be alone? "
((I am interested to take this photo a tree for fill photo gallery on my hp hihihi😁))
After that my mind saying to me
" this tree like me now, I can looking myself in front of this tree, who are both again want to get out of decent crowded, want to get out of these life-threatening ".
So my head is full of this life problem that is out of nowhere. Problems come in our lives because we invite them, to get rid of them we must have a mature planing to deal with them, understand them, and defeat the problem.

Thinking about life is not an easy thing some people always assume that life is easy but anyone thinks life is hard. Definition of life is different, I think life is the way to happiness, of course happiness is not found so easy, but many problems and obstacles to be passed to get appreciation of life is happiness. How we respond to every action or action in life is the key to opening the door of happiness that we want. Of course not just any key to open a door, of course we need a certain key to open the door that we want. The thousands of keys we will get will be but one key we need to open the door

After thousands of obstacles this life challenge there must be happy hard sad etc, but many of us can say stuck in the moment, hard and heavy to stay that moment, but moment there is something temporary which where we have to step without stuck in it always, and in front there must be more beautiful moments more amazing than ever before. Dare step forward is the first step to refer to the moments

I always emphasize myself to always be optimistic for the future, always believe what I'm doing now is a reflection of the way forward. Something that passed was my experience in planning the steps to be taken at the present time.

italicbold"What are you doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow"

You who feel the need of entertainment or time to be alone, I suggest try planing time and energy to visit a place that you think can calm yourself from all life problems, so your inner and mental mind will be mild and clement

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