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in #photography7 years ago

Moshi Moshi!! Steemians ,
Sure my profile does not say it but i am a hardcore anime fan and i love japan and everything about japan(all the good that is)

So here's what happened a while back. A popular and well versed photographer (TY Bello) in conjunction with another popular mall had a photography competition themed: ICM @ 5. Contestants had to submit their photos that had themes depicting the number 5. There were series of great entries and believe me, when i saw them i felt i did not stand a chance against these awesome photographers and their shots. But like my cousin always told me "show up"

So, boom. I decided i was going to participate and suddenly. Ring RIng RIng!!! My friend calls me up to come shoot his cousins introductory wedding and its at this place i suddenly get the inspiration as i see 5 children together by a pole. Then i whip out my camera and get their attention and Boom! I get my entry for the challenge.

Though my entry did not win but i got viewed by close to a thousand people at once, and received a lot of comments on my entry and best of all from a top photographer in Lagos state saw my entry, and not to mention i will feature my entry in an exhibition when i have one.

The moral of the story is to always show up because there are a million and one deterrents that will always make you think otherwise. Sieve through all that, find your purpose and since its something your passionate about. They will all add up. Trust me*(thought that might take a while ^_^) but you can take my word for it.

Showing up is wining half the battle.children  copy.jpg

SO there u have it steemians. SHOW UP!!!


We will always remember to do that.

Most times, showing up is always the hardest step to take but once we get it out of the way, everything starts to fall into place.

yes, i still struggle with it too sometimes.
For some reason you can't just have your way in this world everytime

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