The green mountainous terrain of Sapa, Vietnam I / Das grüne gebirgige Terrain von Sapa, Vietnam I (30 photos) - GreenThursday - ColorChallenge

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


The green mountainous terrain of Sapa is a must see in VietnamDas grüne gebirgige Terrain von Sapa ist ein Muss in Vietnam
Who ever loves mountainous terrain and green landscapes will absolutely enjoy the region around Sapa, in the North of Vietnam. Let me take you on a hike trough the landscape, along green rice fields and bamboo forests, villages, accompanied by local villagers and their traditional dresses. Each village, each tribe has a different dress.Wer gebirgiges Terrain und grüne Landschaften liebt, wird die Region um Sapa im Norden von Vietnam genießen. Lass mich Dich auf eine Wanderung durch diese Landschaft führen, entlang grüner Reisfelder und Bamboo-Wälder, durch Dörfer, begleitet von Dorfbewohnern in ihrer Stammeskleidung, wobei die Kleidung unter den Dörfern, der Stämme variiert.

My entry for the #GreenThursday ColorChallenge / Mein Entry für die #GreenThursday ColorChallenge Contest

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Homegrown 1 Cannabis




Homegrown 2
Homegrown 3


It was impossible not to buy an armlace from the young kid, as my wife looked at me in that moment, just like this girl did.

Es war unmöglich von diesem Mädchen nichts zu kaufen, denn meine Frau schaute mich in diesem Moment genauso an, wie das junge Mädchen es eben tat.


In case you got lost on what photography challenges are running and when, here is an overview of the themes of the photography challenges (T.) and the color challenges (C.)Falls Dir die Übersicht fehlt, wann welcher Fotocontest hier auf Steemit stattfindet, hier eine Übersicht der Themen- (T.) & der Farbchallenges (C.):

T.MonochromeTreeBeachSunLoveBeautiful Sun.

Follow me for more and for the second part of this Sapa hike.


Nice pictures and post. The first picture is excellent, I love the composure of the photo!

It is always tricky with a GoPro to get decents shots. Thanks! I send my regards to you to London.

Wow, I didn't realise that GoPros were so good. Impressive.

wonderful photos, thank you :)

.. and I have to thank you for visting this blog ;)

It was totally my pleasure, your photos are fabulous :)

Hermoso lugar, y supongo que una experiencia inolvidable, así lo transmitiste!!! Saludos desde Venezuela!!

Lovely photos and interesting Hmong culture. Try and hike the magnificent peaks of Ta xua in Son La and Lao cai all in the north of Vietnam.

Those are marvellous advices @moses.vagrant! We might be over again soon.

Beautiful pictures! Keep Steeming!

Cool, thanks for viewing my content @firepower. I really appreciate it.

I love mountainous terrains but I haven't gotten around to visiting one. I hope I will visit one someday.
Btw, you have a beautiful collection of amazing pictures. Beautiful scenes with beautiful people. Thanks for taking us along your adventure virtually. lol

What for a great and kind feedback. Really overwhelming :) - thank you @globalfoodbook

It is my pleasure. Cheers

Very beautiful pictures! Was there a special meaning to the rock statue in the first one? Also do you have a picture of the armlace you got and does that stand for something? Does it has a reason why they wear it or just some sort of a fashion thing?

Great feedback and lovely that you show such an interest. I do have a photo of the armlace, which I wore for the rest of the trip :). Their clothes and accessories are their way of showing their background, to show their tribe and they are knitting it themselves (hence the cannabis plants). But of course, and unfortunately, it is also very commercialised. Some of the Hmong tribes arounds Sapa misuse the tourism by refusing sending their children to school and instead turn them into vendors and beggers in the touristic areas of Sapa.


Regarding the rock. There is surely a story behind it, but unfortunately it wasn't mentioned by our hike guide or if, I might have forgotten.

Thanks for the info and the picture! Sorry if I ask too many questions but find this really interesting and don't really get to travel myself so... :)

I guess it's understandable that if that is what brings them an income, that they focus on that. It's indeed sad though. Stories like this always remind me to be grateful for the comfort I have and the priviledged situation I live in....

Toller Post - die Bilder erinnern mich an meine Balireise!

Dein Name ist toll - warst du schon mal auf Island und hast die Puffins in echt gesehen??

Upvote und follow :)

Danke, ja mich erinnerte vor Ort die Reisfelderkulisse ebenfalls an Bali. Nein, nicht in Island .. aber in Irland :D (eine super schöne Erinnerung). Vielen Dank für deinen tollen Kommentar - btw dein Name klingt auch cool.

Awesome photos! Followed you

That is something one likes to read! Cheers @drewley!

Absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm from Louisiana so it is mostly flat here. I just married a Filipina and she does not understand my fascination with mountain landscapes. Especially since she grew up in the mountains :P

Also, thanks for the challenge list. I was just checking each day to see what others were posting :)

I was the very same regarding the challenges.

Me to. I'm from Berlin also far away from the mountain landscapes in the south of Germany, so I do always enjoy them when I travel.

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