Walk Wednesday, Rhododendron Garden and Lost Lagoon in Vancouver, A Fowl Turf War, Blog and Photography @tattoodjay

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Rhododendron Garden and Lost Lagoon

A Fowl Turf War

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My mom was in town and so we spent some time walking around Stanley Park. It is a huge place. I believe the largest urban park in North America. Most of it is forested, but there are also some gardens and a few watery environs. We started out our day at the Rhododendron Garden.

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We missed the height of the azalea bloom. If you ever get to see that, you are one lucky duck, but today it was mostly the remains of droopy stamens. Still a very nice place to be and the bees weren't complaining.

Adjacent to the garden is Lost Lagoon. You might think its namer was a lover of alliteration and in the midst of an existential crisis, but no, the building of the Stanley Park Causeway cut the lagoon off from the ocean and switched it from saltwater to a brackish guano mix. It is named for what it used to be. The killer swans were moved a few years back, and so it is once again safe to walk its path-lined shore. Lots of birds. including these babies.

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Some of the fowl had loving and parenting on their minds but for the bachelors, it was rumble in the shallows time: blue heron kung fu versus Canadian geese street fighting.

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The heron decided he was above it all, strutted off, and kept the peace.

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And the goose remained aloof on his island. You can see he has his Charlie Brown Christmas Tree all set up. Only 209 days left to plan.

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It was a beautiful day for walking. I will leave with you with one more flower shot. These azalea were just hanging onto to some bloom.


All words and photos are my own.


I really like your travelogues. They’re entertaining and informative and always have terrific pictures.

What a beautiful and sounding huge Garden it must have been so refreshing walking around there


It was a lovely place, for sure:) Thank you, Jay:)

Thank you, @Pryde, for sharing your lovely walk with us. Natural Beauty & light wit save any day :)

Thank you, Yahia:)

A beautiful walk. More if you did it with your beloved mother.

Thank you, Cordero:)

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