Skies Over the Bay, Digital Art, Haiku, and Meditational Tool

in #photography6 years ago

Skies Over the Bay

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Happy Thursday, Steemians. You guys do make me feel loved. I know I have been AWOL over the last week, and so many of you have checked in to see how I am doing. I really appreciate that. Not to worry; I have not given up on steemit. It will continue to be my site of choice for posting my art and writing, but I have been neglecting some of my long form writing. Some of you may know I wrote a novel a couple years back called the Wisp and have been promising the second instalment for some time. I have been hard at work editing the Tall Man and revising the Wisp. I haven't posted for a week however and thought I should put something out there.

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If the introductory photo gives you a clue, this going to be a very colorful post. Back when I was posting on youtube regularly, I would create meditation videos featuring my photos and re-mixed music from the creative commons. These shots are from one such video. The idea behind the experiment ... meditation can be hard. The mind looks for something to do and so you give it that very thing, some music to listen to and some pretty shots to look. Before you know, you are tasting zen. Feeling a little stressed, give yourself ten minutes, put on some ear phones, and I promise you will not be when you've finished.

Here is another of my favorite shots from the video and an inspired haiku

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bare winter trees
a clear mirrored sky above
cracks let in the cold

That ought to cool things off a little on what is probably a very hot summer's day. It's scorching here in Vancouver and we have it easier than most of you. I say grab a cool drink and do absolutely nothing. Before you know it, the skies will be crisp again. Love all you beautiful people:)

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All photos and haiku are copyright Pryde Foltz


Really glad to see you back, Pryde - steemit is slower than it's been since last year just after the hardfork - I'm also involved in other projects - kind of dividing my time and hedging my bets, but when the CEO's powering down, that's never good :(

Thanks, John. There are so many reasons why ned could be powering down and one of them is that it must be shown that steem is decentralized; otherwise we would be seen as a securities. And so if Ned owns too much steem then it doesn't look good. He could need it to fund operations or who knows maybe his dog needed an operation. I do hope he feels a sense of pride when he looks at steemit. We are not just a altcoin or a blockchain; we are community and there is a lot of room to grow and prosper if the powers that be would stop doing their best to tear us down.

Just not too much pride coz Dan was the brains behind it IMHO :)

I think they are both pretty smart enough but it does come down to this. If we do not support Ned, we cannot expect steemit to prosper. The position I take is to send him positive vibes. He is certainly not to blame for the down fall of crypto.

He is to blame for allowing the forks after Dan left that allowed for bid bots which have destroyed the platform. He is to blame for picking just certin "winners" to delegate to and not spreading the love around in a better fashion more like fulltimegeek has done. He is to blame for throwing the front end development under the bus to chase the ever elusive SMT's . I heard it over and over that Steem the coin has all the value, not the Steemit front end. Well Fakebook has no SMT's but they have a half a TRILLION dollar market cap...

Upvote purchasing would have taken place no matter what. It simply would have happened in the shadows and off platform. Twitter and Facebook both have post boosting available. You do not get seen on those platforms by a large audience unless you pay for it. As long as we continue to exist in a mercantile system that kind of thing will persist. I think having bid bots is better than back room dealing and makes effective promotion available for everyone. I have tried to promote on Facebook and this was not the case. Our decentralized promotional system here obviously works better. Otherwise so many people wouldn't use it.

It is very difficult for me to go further into this discussion with you. You have only ever been rewarded for your participation on steemit. I do not understand. If you thought it was such an awful place why did you bring so many people over? Nothing you argue now was any less true at the time.

I don't know if you are aware but I am currently down more than a thousand dollars and that is despite a lot of hard work and care. I am a single mom, Paul. I do not have a lot of disposable income or free time to pursue that many alternate venues of income. When I hear people trash talk steemit, steem and Ned ... they are in fact attacking my security. If you don't like steemit ... run for witness or cash out. But tearing things down from the inside is not okay by me and reeks of shilling. It only makes things worse and less likely to encourage new investment. If you however you want to see the competitors succeed, it will work. Crypto is down and that is all about bad press and not poor business decisions.

I agree steemit does need some upgrading, but I imagine with steem down it may not be possible right now. That kind of thing takes money. If however if you read the latest hardfork proposal, you will find they are taking into consideration that steemit is changing and may become akin to facebook and less adhered to a reddit model. And remember, Facebook got there first. It is not fair to compare steemit to facebook. Facebook also does not follow a gaming model.

Down vote wars, vendettas, and deconstructive criticism is not for me. I understand change takes time and most people are doing their best. The system will always need changing but personal attacks are not the way, especially attacking the fellah that has to do the changing.

Meditation is such a soothing and refreshing process. good to see the video and images.

Thank you, Praditya:)

You have written a book called The Wisp? I would love to read. I like your writing style a lot. If you are unsure about your book, you can give it for beta reading. You'll find a lot of people on goodreads to help you with it. Great photography. I loved the haiku. :D

Thank you:) That is a great idea:)

You're welcome. :)

Thank you for all you do not only on Steemit but in other places as well by way of your writings and videos. I do appreciate you and I am glad you are in our midst on Steemit. You have been in my thoughts a lot lately. Take Care @prydefoltz

Thanks so much, rensoul17. I do appreciate you too:)

Very very relaxing indeed. And the photos go so well with the music. I hope your new book is going well. I can't imagine putting that all together, as just a post takes me forever. But maybe one day...lots of ideas, not so much follow through. I think doing meditation would help a lot in the process. The hard part for me, shutting off the mind. "Be still brain, be still..."

Thank you. DD:) I understand. Sometimes the brain needs tricking to quiet down:0

Welcome back, Pryde!

Welcome back, Pryde. Good to know you're doing well and being creative. Thanks, for continuing to share beauty & positivity _/|\_

Thank you, Yahia. It is nice to be appreciated:)

Greetings, dear @prydefoltz! I'm happy to see your return. It's good that you're well.

Thank you, Zeleira:)

I think it’s so wonderful that you are working on a novel, @prydefoltz. How exciting! I seem to be doing so as well. I look forward to hearing your progress! Maybe that will motivate me to stick with it.

Well, I'm happy you are OK (I'd been started to worry). Sure you're doing great at your writing. Beautiful post, @prydefoltz :)

Thank you, Marlyn:)

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