Change Your Perspective


Stop and let it all be. Change your perspective. Chose your perception to be happy. Picture from the north rjm of The Grand Canyon. I was remembering happier (and warmer) time. John and I had taken a big trip out west.

Its really as simple as positive or negative (love or hate) - we can see ANYTHING in the world through both of these perspectives. The beauty of life is its entirely up to ourselves as to which one we choose! :)

Beautiful photo! Trying something like that would end very badly for me, haha!

What an awesome pic. You have great balance! Yes....I choose happiness. Happiness comes from within. If you're not happy within yourself, how can you be happy with anyone or anything else?

Amazing!! Great picture.

What an amazing setting to pull off some yoga moves!

exercise good

I feel the positivity when I look at your posts!

So true - we are what we make of our experiences. Like the positivity. Looking forward to more!

Great...this is an avenue to release stress and make u fit always.

ME ENCANTA COMO LO HACES! Puedes llevar tus pensamientos a la práctica, pues no solo hablas de una perspectiva de pensamiento sino que también cambias tu posición corporal para mostrar que no sólo son palabras sino que también es necesario hacer algo diferente en lo físico. llevas las perspectivas de pensamiento a la realidad. Te sigo

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