My PhotoVisions #56: Polish autumn from the archives vol.4 - Motives...

in #photography6 years ago

Hello Friends!


Weekend I will be out, starting from tomorrow - I am going with family to the cabin trip - maybe last autumnal trip this year... hoping to catch some shots, maybe do some movies, but for sure - relax and rest from computer...

Maybe this gallery - some shots taken many years ago in Poland - will inspire some of You to grab the camera and go out, searching for autumnal, unique motives...

Let's see what we can search for around us...

Spider's web... Always charming, mystical, when covered with morning dew... magical!



Autumnal reflections - going out by the lake, river or any water in calm, still weather - is a great idea! Finding the spots with nice reflections, world mirrored by water surface - sometimes abstract, artistic form...



Macro details - just go low with Your camera, focus on some details, find the webs, dew, colorful leaves, nice light, original forms or micro-wildlife...



The light - autumnal light is special - the reason of it is low position of the sun - light is warm and low, giving nice, long shadows...

Other thing is the air - very often foggy - the light is soft then, some other time crystal clear like never before - giving fantastic saturation to autumnal colours and details...



Forests, woodlands... where is any better place to be in autumn time? Just go there and You will see the magic of the elements combined together...



At least - forest, water, light and colours... some details and moods... all the things together create the magic of autumn time - it is short, so don't sit at home! Soon, all the nature will change, and until the snow falls - the world will lose its fantastic colours and You will loose Your PhotoVisions...



Thanks for watching!

Still here? Go for a walk! ;)


Any photo available as Digital Files. Join my Discord channel for details:
If You like my work, check my portfolio site asphotovisions
Calendars from beautiful Norway on 2019 available to Pre-order on my site.

Thanks for watching and have a great day!

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pv baner.png


Great photos! Gotta go and capture my visions too before its late :D

Yes! Exactly! Catch teh Visions before they will gone... :). Thanks for comment!

Widać oko artysty w Twoich pracach. Podziwiam i będę śledzić kolejne prace. Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski ! :)

Dzięki za dobrą opinię! To bardzo stare prace, ale większość z nich leżała w zapomnieniu aż do dzisiaj - widać nawet kiedyś coś udawało mi się zrobić ;). Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do częstych odwiedzin!

Nothing better than a family trip to a cabin. Those are the best days . We lived in a small remote ridgetop cabin in Australia for about 7 years before moving to Canada.

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