
That's great thanks for explaining

You are welcome.

Hey, I'm not sure what's going on but my post that you liked so much and put in the DPS has turned out to be one of my lowest valuations ever! Any idea why? It's a shame bearing in mind the amount of work and research I put into it. I thought it would resonate with a lot of people on here which it has. I'm a bit confused. I normally get a much higher valuation for a full submission like this. Any idea what's going on?

This things simply happen. It's not your fault. Look at the DPS rewards yesterday and the day before yesterday.

Oh wow! A jump to $6.10. How did that happen? Well I'm not complaining.

Someone with a greater voting power just voted for you.

Right ok, I think I'm beginning to get this. Thanks for your help in explaining how the platform functions, much appreciated.