Show me your best b&w photo and win SBI

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Steemit friends and followers!

Even though I am currently living in Mexico, one of the most colorful countries in the world, I feel like hosting a monochrome photography contest today :)

My b&w panoramic photo of Lower Manhattan taken from the Brooklyn Bridge

How about you, my Steemit fellows? Do you like to take monochrome photos? Even if you don´t have any right now, you can just edit some regular colored images in a photo editor to turn them into b&w. That´s what I actually did with the Manhattan shot too :)

If you want to join this contest, put your entry in the comment section below. You will have 3 days to submit your photos until Tuesday when I will pick 3 winners (or possibly even 5 if we happen get too many great entries) who will receive 1 SBI share each from me :)

Rules are simple:

1) Only 1 entry per person
2) Only your own photos
3) Add a short description of the photo

I am looking forward to checking your submissions :) Have a great weekend everyone!


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about #nature, #animals, #traveling and discovering secrets and beauties of the #world, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on Steeming!


I love B&W photos, but it is not easy to make one. You can pick main motive on the picture and don't be disturbed by the colours. But you have to be sure, the picture is really black&white and not only grey ;)
I want to add b&w photos to #fototema in the future, but I would like to write something about it in advance.
I would like to show one of my b&w photos. There is my friend's daughter playing hopscotch. I like this one and hope it's suitable for your contest ;)

This picture was taken in Prague Zoo. Let me introduce you gorrila Richard! Richard has been described as photogenic, and he has become famous for his modeling skills. Some even say that his expressions seem almost human when he poses for the camera. Here you can see his excellent model skills.. He really looks like a thinking human.


Are you ever on Discord .. I tried to chat with you since SF but it doesn't seem like you use it?

Hey guys, I know it sounds stupid but I somehow messed up my Discord account months ago and have not been able to access it ever since :D Feel free to hit me up on the Steem chat ;)

The black-white version of this oak torus is quite good ;-). Located near the castle of Ohrada in southern Bohemia.
Černo bílá varianta tomuto torzu dubu docela sluší ;-). Vyfoceno nedaleko zámku Ohrada v jižních Čechách

This is The Blob in Eindhoven, designed by an Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas. I was so impressed by this futuristic building that I instantly took of my camera from the bag! It's absolutely unique and it corresponds to the fact that Eindhoven is a very progressive city, where Gerard Philips launched its large-scale bulb production at the end of the 19th century.

Thank you for curating @phortun. Here we are at Miami Int'l Airport waiting to board our little plane to Havana in November 2016. We were having second thoughts given the weather. It was quite a bumpy ride flying over the Florida Keys.

Cuba Plane (2).jpg


This was taken on the beach in Puetro Rico.

Hold on, did you climb the bridge or something? It looks like you are on top of the structure.

The Ballet Dancer

I was wandering around a pier near a frozen lake when I spotted this cute dancer on top of a buoy. The color photo looked like long exposure due to the frozen surface, so I decided to keep it as p&w to make it pretties.



I made a photo of these two especially for you as you are in Mexico. Do you know what vegetable it is? I really love it!

Můj příspěvek do tvé soutěže je plamének zapalovače. Ačkoliv jsem nekuřák, ten plamének se mi prostě líbí, proto jsem ho vyfotil.

Plamének zapalovače.jpg

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