Architectural Photography: spooky b&w photos from around the world

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Steemit friends and followers!

Wednesday used to be reserved for the architectural photo contest and @tazi just announced his new #fototema (photo theme) which is "architecture" so the main topic of my today´s post is pretty obvious. However, I like to give these general themes a little twist to make my posts a bit more specific and (hopefully) interesting.

With Halloween and the Day of the Dead being just around the corner, it was not too difficult to come up with a spice-up for my today´s architectural post. Yes, you just guessed it right - this post will be full of photos of scary buildings :)

When browsing through my photo files in search of entries for this post, I figured out there are actually four things that make your architectural photo spooky.

  1. The building. The older and more desolate it is, the spookier and more haunted it looks.
  2. The sky. It is hard for a building to look scary on a beautiful sunny day. If you want to take a creepy photo of a house, you need a cloudy, dramatic sky in the background.
  3. Absence of people. When crowded with masses of tourists, even the most haunted castle loses its dreary atmosphere. You want to go for isolation.
  4. Monochrome. Bright colors just do not go well with scary stuff. That is also why I put all of the following photos in b&w.

If you are ready for some shivers, check out this selection of my spooky b&w architectural photos from around the world :)

Catedral de San Cristobal, Havana, Cuba

Kravare Chateau, Kravare, Czech Republic

Trakai Castle, Trakai, Lithuania

Abandoned House, Radun, Czech Republic

El Capitolio, Havana, Cuba

Bratislava Castle, Bratislava, Slovakia

Fortification of St. George Rotunda, Skalica, Slovakia

St. Adalbert Church, Opava, Czech Republic

Parish Church, Merida, Mexico

St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague, Czech Republic

El Penon del Fraile, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Krnov, Czech Republic

Czech / Česky:

Tento post je také mým příspěvkem do @tazi´ ho rubriky #fototema, jejíž zadání pro tento týden je "architektura". Opět jsem to pojal trochu zvláštně a s ohledem na blížící se svátky jako jsou naše Dušičky, americký Halloween nebo mexický Den Mrtvých, jsem tomu dal tak trochu strašidelný nádech :) Snad se vám to bude líbit.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about #nature, #animals, #traveling and discovering secrets and beauties of the #world, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on Steeming!


Thanks for sharing this amazing collection

Thank you! It means a lot coming from a real photographer :)

My pleasure

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Yay! Thanks again! :) Whether it was Julian or Arthur, you definitely made my day guys:)

Hiya, just swinging by to let you know that this post made the Honorable Mentions list in our daily Travel Digest, curated by @itchyfeetdonica. Please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider upvoting the Travel Digest if you like what we're doing.

Wohooo thank you so much Donica! :)))

Na světě je spousta míst, co by stála za vidění. Ale ono se to všechno osobně stihnout ani nedá... Tak díky za zprostředkování.

Rád jsem posloužil :) Jak vidíš, dost fotek z této série bylo pořízeno v ČR a na Slovensku, což jen potvrzuje známý fakt, že i u nás je toho spousta k vidění.

Inak ten postprocessing si robil jednu za druhou ci nejakym batch pristupom vsetky naraz? Bo ak po jednej, tak si si dal docela robotu.

Inak najstrasidelnejsia mi prijde hned ta prva abo mozno este ten Parish church keby tam nebola ta lampa.

Posted using Partiko Android

Každou fotku jsem upravoval zvlášť ;) Jo, chvilku to trvalo...

Mně se ta první taky líbí nejvíc (proto je první :D) - je jak z nějakého hororu ze středověku :)

Oh my, you guys speak the same language. Something I don't understand!!!! :D

Haha yepp :) we're not from the same country tho, but we can talk pretty easily :D (Slovakia, Czech Republic)

Posted using Partiko Android

These buildings look very frightening, there must be many residents in the building.😱

Thank you, that was my intention :)

Díky za post.
Jen pro zajímavost, hradby ve Skalici byly takto nasvícené, nebo Ti to stačil nasvítit blesk? Předpokládám, že je to fotka z mobilu a tam by tolik světla blesk asi nedal...

Předpokládáš správně, byly nasvícené ;)

These are fantastic. Great photos. They could each be the setting for a spooky story.

Thank you Beth, I am really glad you like them :)

Make sense you make the post just right before the halloween. The photos sure look beautiful but really give me goosebump. jk! (but really! that scary vibes with the tone you adjust :D)

Thank you so much for your feedack - you are the first person to admit you really found these photos scary :D Mission accomplished :D

LOLOLOL You have such a mission then! :)

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