New year´s eve in the Vosges | Silvester in den Vogesen [EN/DE]

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemians, happy new year to all of you! These weeks I´ve been busy with so many things in my family, job, house... and holidays. I´m confident now to find some time to write more posts again. From my new office in our house, but I´ll tell you about that in another post ;) First I want to tell you about our spectacular new year´s eve in the middle of nowhere!

Liebe Steemians, ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr! Die letzten Wochen war ich mit so vielen Dingen beschäftigt, mit meiner Familie, meiner Arbeit, dem Haus... und den Feiertagen. Ich bin zuversichtlich in nächster Zeit wieder mehr Posts zu schreiben - aus meinem neuen Büro in unserem Haus, aber darüber berichte ich in einem anderen Post ;) Doch jetzt möchte ich zuerst von unserem spektakulären Silvester im Nirgendwo berichten!


We were three families, friends of us, who decided to spend some days together to celebrate the turn of the year. Again - Airbnb helped to find an accomondation that was big enough for all of us - including 6 adults, 4 children and a dog. So we ended up in the Vosges, in the middle of nowhere in a beautifully renovated barn from the 17th century.

Wir waren drei befreundete Familien, die beschlossen gemeinsam ein paar Tage über den Jahreswechsel zu verbringen. Wieder einmal half Airbnb eine passende Unterkunft zu finden, die groß genug für uns alle war - 6 Erwachsene, 4 Kinder und ein Hund. Letztendlich führte uns die Reise ins Nirgendwo in den Vogesen, in eine wundervoll hergerichtete und renovierte Scheune aus dem 17. Jahrhundert.


The owners, two cordial creative hippies from the Netherlands, provided us a place where we loved to stay - with a huge table in front of a wood stove. There were even instruments to make some music, lots of books (unfortunately most of them were dutch), many toys and ... silence.

Die Besitzer, zwei herzliche und kreative Hippis aus den Niederlanden, boten uns einen wunderbaren Ort - mit einer riesingen Tafel vor einem Holzofen. Es gab sogar Instrumente, um Musik zu machen, viele Bücher (leider waren die meisten auf holländisch), viele Spielsachen und ... Stille.


Celebrating new year´s eve with some sparkles for the kids instead of fireworks. We all loved the absence of fireworks.

Silvester nur mit ein paar Wunderkerzen für die Kinder feiern...niemand vermisste die Feuerwerke.

Unfortunately there was no snow but we still enjoyed the area so much that we think about coming back one day. Of course I brought some impressions, I hope you enjoy :)

Leider gab es keinen Schnee, aber dennoch genossen wir diese Gegend so sehr, dass wir darüber nachdenken eines Tages dorthin zurückzukehren. Natürlich habe ich ein paar Impressionen mitgebracht, hoffentlich mögt ihr sie :)


Self-produced carrots - one tries to escape
Selbst angebaute Karotten - eine versucht zu fliehen

The backyard
Der Garten

Reflecting sunset
Gespiegelter Sonnenuntergang

Exploring the area | Die Gegend erkunden...








Pictures by


Thanks for reading! | Danke für´s Lesen!



What a fun place to celebrate the new year. I bet the kids thought they were in heaven. I am city dwelling now and would love to get out into nature like this to recharge. The carrots look amazing and put those in the stores to shame!

Thank you, it was a great place for children indeed. You´re right, I already want to go back where nature is still diverse...

Love that shot with the lamps and the mirror. Seems like so many stories to tell if only that fence could speak.

Thanks, you're right. This garden was very individual :)

Wow these places remind me old books and enchanted forest, i like your photos so much, especially the one with the sun rays reflecting on the wood!

Thank you so much ♥ This reflection also appeared magical to me...

The photos are awesome, patschwork, they're so moody and beautiful. And you're really good at capturing the beauty of light as well. It must be really fun to spend the new year in the middle of nowhere, that really sounds like a great adventure :D.
Congrats for your curie vote ^_^.

It was indeed adventurous! Thank you, @scrawly

I never tried Airbnb. I'd rather stay in the traditional hotels. 😂

Great photos, @patschwork.

It´s worth a try, I was never dissapointed ;) You get in touch with locals and experience the country in a different way. But yes, I sometimes also can´t say no to a good hotel with a spa :P Thank you, @trincowski. Happy new year to you!

For me, it's a question of principles. We can't expect salaries to increase when all of us are always trying to spend as less as possible.

People want to be paid well for their jobs. Right? Then how come we expect to get everything for almost free?

We can't have it both ways. Either we accept that others need to get paid, too... Or we must accept lower wages for our works. 🤨

I totally see your point. On the other hand: airbnb isn´t really the cheapest solution in many cases. We´re often pretty late with our reservations and so it´s often the last possibility to get an accomondation at all, because everything is already booked out :) In this case I also tried to get an "official" b&b farm or something like that, but no chance at all.
But I´m with you, there actually needs to be some kind of regulation, because some cities really suffer from this platform.

very beautiful photographs. the surroundings are beautiful. It shows that you had a great time Thank you for sharing your experience with us

Thank you ♥

Wow - ein toller Artikel, mit wunderschönen Fotos einer skurilen Gegend nebst urigem Haus! Das war bestimmt traumhaft!
Ich wünsche dir ein ähnlich tolles Jahr 2019! Lieben Gruß, Kadna

So wie ich dich "kenne", wäre das auch ein inspirierender Ort für dich. Die Schlafzimmer werden auch einzeln vermietet, nicht nur an ganze Gruppen ;) Dann ist es ein "normales" Bed & Breakfast. Ich danke dir, liebe Grüße...

What a great place to celebrate the Holidays! You still remember some of the Dutch books?

Oh unfortunately I can't remember the ones from native authors, but there were many dutch Stephen King books :)

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank you and a happy new year :)

Hi patschwork,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you ♥

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