This is the bird that attacked the Meerkat!

This is the "Blacksmith Plover" they are known as the Sentinel's in the wild! Their warning squeals alert the animals to danger!

They live and hunt for insects at the waters edge and they are very fastidious about personal hygiene!

Do not let their small size fool you! They are demented attackers that like to dive bomb when anything comes near their nest! Be it dogs, humans and I have even been attacked by one whilst driving in the bush. He repeatedly bombed the Windscreen!

Blacksmith Plovers are also very adept flyers and I took this shot whilst he was attacking a Meerkat, as described in one of my previous posts!

Of course at times a snake or other crafty predators get past these policemen in the wild and total pandemonium breaks out amongst the birds! Yes, there are losses and maiming, but in general Blacksmith Plovers are very effective in their policing work. Here where they live they are also backed by a formidable community. Egyptian Geese, White African Geese, Embden Geese, Pilgrim Geese and Roman Geese! When this lot gets excited there's big trouble as they stand together.

Funny thing is, only when there is trouble would they gang up against a common enemy! The rest of the time they all live their own separate lives! The feral cats gets a hiding, stray dogs avoid them like the plague, meerkats and other small predators get beaten up and even humans have to tread carefully!

Nature's Lesson;

Old ladies and pensioners are attacked when they draw their monthly allocations and nobody helps them.
People turn a blind eye when armed robbers accost a soul in the street!
A man suffers a stroke and slumps down on the sidewalk but the public walk right past him!
An old man in a wheelchair is discharged from hospital and a nursing sister phones me at the charity to fetch him and to take him home, as his family doesn't care! Although they take his pension money every month.
These are all true stories and there are many more!

I apologize for the long paragraph above, but this is a matter that lies very close to my heart!
What has happened to our humanity? Our care? We have all became numbed by life's atrocities.
The saying is; "Not my circus, not my monkeys" or "Not my fight, mind my own business"

This is a shameful situation and sooner or later when calamity strikes you, then you want to scream blue murder.
I have heard people blame the cops, the government and anything else when it happens to them!
But to stand together? Never!
Think about it!

PS: I myself had a gun stuck in my neck a few years ago! Right in front of our charity I was robbed in broad daylight! Not a soul stopped to help. I told the robbers that I would pray for them and one guy handed my identity book back to me. They took my mobile phone and my wallet! I found my wallet around the corner in the street, thrown away as there was no money in it! Did I moan and groan? NO!

Thank you for the visit to our charity page!

All photos are my own and taken with a Canon SX60

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


As bad as it is, you know as well as I do how many kind and caring people there are oit there. Don't let the bad ones get you down!

Thank you Lady Melinda! They won't get me down ever! It is just that when a person faces the continued struggle by those that really deserves to be helped, it builds up in the subconscious! At times I feel like a wrung out old rag! I post nature's lessons in the hope that it will open eyes to the truth all over the world. Blessings to you for having a caring heart!

To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to deny to him the ordinary amenities of life is worse then starving the body; it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Cool post thanks for sharing!

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