Territorial fight between a crow and a kite!

This is a story about a dispute by a dominant Pied Crow against a Dark Shouldered Kite.

Most days they avoid each other, but after the long and heavy rains, everybody is hungry and a crow decided that the kite is not welcome in the crow's territory. The wise Kite decided to sit in an unusual place and not on his normal perch on the high tree in order to leave the high tree open for the crows. But his scheme didn't work as the crow found him!
Accompany me in this amazing story below!

The kite is aware that the crow arrived and he is peeping at the crow. Normally the crows never sit in these thin bushes, but the crow wanted to deliver a warning to the kite!

Here the crow looks at the kite, but the kite studiously ignores him!

So, the crow has delivered his warning to the kite and the crow takes off!

But as you can see, the kite was aware and was watching the crow disappear!

Now for the second incident below!

The kite was caught totally unawares about this low attack by the crow, as the kite was watching the skies up above. Crows are known for their intelligence and this one is a master in attack.

The kite scattered at speed and the crow took his place!

Here the crow tells the world that he is king!
But as can be seen in the first photo, the kite returned later to sit on his favored spot in the high tree!

Another good lesson from nature isn't it?
The kite knows that he is much smaller than the crow, but he also knows that he is much faster than the crow. And so, instead of using his speed to confront and to fight the dangerous enemy, the kite rather uses his speed to disappear and to live for another day. There is an old saying; "flee, to fight another day" and this was just demonstrated to us.

Of course the crow is good in the air, but with the kite's blinding speed in a dive, he can seriously hurt the crow. But this kite is also wise, as he knows that then the other crows will be after him and so he rather chooses life over superiority.
So many of our politicians lose their haughty status when they try to take on the might of the law after their illegal shenanigans. Be like the kite, stay innocent and flee evil deeds!

This is also true in our own lives', as so many of us spend so much time striving to be the king in our own realms, only until we are crushed by a real king, instead of being humble and respectful to all others. A warning here; one day you will meet your own crow in his own territory and he will crush you unless you are wise and act like the kite!
Better to run and live to fight another day.
Think about it!

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity/

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Amazing crow attitude, my bet is on the kite, who would catch a mouse quicker, who would eat to live another day.

Size does not always matter, being over confident can be the bigger birds own undoing at the end of the day @papilloncharity

Excellent narration and photography thanks, have a great day.

I agree with you Lady Joan, in the air the crow would be too slow for the kite, but seated it's a different game. Over confidence's cousin is carelessness and as you know it's dangerous turf! Glad you liked the post and have a good night!

I came here to check a fight between a COW and a kite... but this is pretty good too :P

Maybe you ate too many delicious beer soaked spareribs at the braai, as it can effect one's sight a wee bit Lol. Glad you liked the post in any case! Blessings!

its amezing photography of bird... nicely clicked... the crow is looking so beautiful...

Oh goodness what a sight to see! Nature really does know exactly how to bless us and put on an amazing show!

The wet weather certainly played a role as everyone's hungry and they intrude upon each other's spaces! But you are absolutely correct about mother nature putting her best foot forward! Thank you and blessings!

Great shot!! Jus like always nice photos.

Thank you my brother, all blessings to you and yours!

I see you are still taking amazing shots! Good day, Stephen!

How cute to see Goldilocks again! Good day (night) also to you Lady Denise and hope all is well with you!

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