Some more shots of my secret place!
Here she is! The royalty of Dragonflies! "The "Blue Emperor", one of the biggest and fiercest of the Dragonfly species! Very difficult to get a shot of this one and she is laying eggs!
I have a variety of photos for you to enjoy today.
We cast some healthy bread on the water for the fish and water birds and one piece of bread was invaded by this little guy! It is of the "Damselfly" species, which is a smaller Dragonfly family!
The piece of bread floated closer in and I took an overhead shot of the little Damselfly!
I honestly have no idea what this guy was doing, waving his claws about above water, but he certainly looked aggressive!
Or maybe I came too close to his territory?
Finally, here we have a caterpillar and I think it is of the "Wahlberg's Moth" variety!
I personally think that each of us should search for an isolated secret spot in nature! A place where you can sit in quiet meditation and watch nature come alive all around! No shouting, no talking and to only sit and drink in the silence!
Mother nature can feel your respect and will soon start to reveal her treasures to you.
Be ready with your camera however, as in this new world things can happen in split seconds!
Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

Lovely shot @papilloncharity! The photos amazing.
Thank you and glad you liked them! Blessings!
Such fabulous photos! That crab looks ready to battle! The dragonfly is brilliant!
So glad you liked the photos and oh yes, maybe the crab had babies somewhere! Still early season for dragonflies, but the early promises are good! Thank you for your kind support on our charity page! Blessings!
My pleasure <3
I am not sure I like the other critters, but I certainly adored the dragonfly. Their wings are so gossamer and iredescent. Beautiful photos, though!
You will get to love the other critters if you see how intricate they were designed and although a crab remains a crab, the worm transforms into a most beautiful moth! Dragonflies of course are in a totally different bracket of beauty and they way that they can use each of their four wings independently fascinates me! Even scientists are baffled by the movement! Blessings!
always be ready to snap those magic moments !
Thank you Sir Steve, like I said in the post, the moment that I sit still the universe comes alive all around me! Even the skies deliver astounding sights, such as my post today of Bi- Planes that were taken at the same place! Blessings to you and yours and thank you for the kind support!