Passenger Plane on a Rollercoaster Ride?

I saw him diving and decided to track him.

The dive seemed a bit unnatural to me, as many planes pass over our house and I have never seen a dive so steep. they normally descent at gradual levels!
But wait, a surprise awaits!

He swung around in a gradual turn and slowly made his way back here!

Here you can see him coming back and I thought that his climb was a bit steep!

Hey, this guy continued to climb!

And climb, at this stage I was worried about the passengers!

Wow! He is headed into space!

This was my last shot, as the trees behind our house cut off my view!

All that I can say is; "What was that"?

Did the pilot maybe take an empty plane for a test run after repairs? If he was carrying a full load of passengers, how did they feel after first, a steep dive and then a steeper climb?
In the last photo you can see that the plane is almost in a vertical position. Can a normal passenger plane do this?

I have many questions and will take this to an airfield to try and get some answers. All that I can say now is that it was an unbelievable sight!
I assure you that no trickery took place with these shots and no editing programs were used to try and fool anyone!
This is exactly how it took place before our eyes today!

Maybe there is someone here with aviation experience that could venture some answers?

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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I think the pilot is taking risk there. Well another great shot from you Sir. God bless you.

I was just so amazed to see this, as I don't think the planes were designed for these maneuvers! God bless you too!

For sure I would prefer to sit in my chair at home.

Oh man, I hope they had many toilet bags on board for the passengers! Hahaha

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