Family life is so important!


An illustration of a happy, loving and caring family! Cape Sparrows gathering for breakfast at our place!
At Papillon we work with many sorrow filled souls from broken families. Stories are told of drug addicted parents, others that dumped their kids, yet others that were never married and the parents split up after the child's birth and more about divorce and other broken family ailments! Some children were given up for adoption and when they became teens, the adoptive parents did not want them anymore!


A family is where the building blocks for any child's future life is laid, but without a solid foundation (family) the child has to build on a foundation of sand, instead of rock!


Take one of the parent birds out of this picture and it will no longer represent a united family!


Sadly modern life sets so many traps for the unity of a family!
How do I know? Well I am a child of a broken family!
My mom was married to a drunken and violent man that assaulted her regularly and we as kids were also beaten up.
They divorced and she raised us on her own. The rich family disowned her because of the divorce and we set out to make it on our own! Let me tell you that its difficult for a young boy to grow up without a father. Mom had to work and there was never anyone to attend my sport achievements, or any other functions.

I repeated the mistake by marrying an unfaithful woman and we had three children! To avoid a repeat of my own life, I stayed married for eighteen years until my children had completed school and today they are all successful in business and in life! Solid evidence that family is essential for sound children.
I must admit, it was like being set free from an eternal hell after the divorce, but we placed the kids first and sacrificed our own wants and needs! Am I sorry about it today? Definitely not as the kids always came first.

Sadly today parents leave for any convenient reason and the family unit is slowly but surely being destroyed!
The old mantra of; "United we stand, divided we fall" is constantly being eroded.
Self importance and desires are ruining family lives'.
Time for us to rekindle the lessons from nature about how to raise our children!
All blessings to the families of today, for their love and endurance!
Think about it!

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


great photography as well as outstanding message
Keep it up buddy

Thank you for the kind reply! Blessings!

Nature does it all so well. Great photos.

Nature holds an abundance of lessons for us Lady Melinda! Thank you for your support to our charity, as every cent that I make here on this page goes to Papillon! Blessings!

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