Ever seen a natural Gardening Service?

This is her window and she is looking at us!

What a pleasant surprise! The lodge in the bushveld has a troop of Njala ewes that take care of their lawns and it was our first time to see something like this! Of course the rule is; "Don't touch", but I can't see a reason why anyone would want to touch wild animals, as the usual result is that somebody's going to get hurt!
But let me show them at work!

Here you can see some of them at work, mowing the lawn!

A closer look at this beautiful lawnmower!

Here comes the manager to tell everyone that it's lunchtime!

And with full tummy's they take a rest!

A golden opportunity for us to get a bit closer and here is Lady Marian (my wife) with two laborers!

And of course I also had a turn for a photo!

It was an amazing sight to see them feeding in little groups all over the large lawn section of the lodge. We were totally un-prepared for this and that's why it was such a pleasant surprise. I have seen groups of ducks clear snails from the trees at apple farms, but I have never seen bucks mow a lawn. Of course it serves a dual purpose because the bucks are fed and the lawn is kept neat and short!

We noted that no effort was made to tame the bucks and after their work they simply were set free again to wander around on the huge farm. They know that there is a good feed on the lawns and it must have been easy to give them free entrance, by on certain days, only to leave a gate to the lodge open. I have never had a desire to own a wild animal, as they belong in the wild and it's so sad that they are captured for personal gain. Certain animals are on the danger list because of man's greed!
Think about it!

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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What a wonderful experience. Some lovely photo's but that first one is top class!

Thank you! These bucks were simply wonderful and it was a rare experience to get so close to wild animals.

They are such pretty antelope, lovely when you are able to be up close to these wild animals @papilloncharity

Witnessed Eland doing similar in the Drakensberg, Warthog up in Zimbabwe lawn clipping as well.

When they know they will not come to harm they appear to be very calm with people around.

Caution always needs to given to any wild animal.

A matter of dual respect I think Lady Joan! My secret is to remain calm and slow around them, making like I don't even notice them and at times they even come over to have a sniff at me. Maybe just to check what kind of animal I am Lol.

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