Even the birds are happy it's Spring Season!

Look how sweet this one looks.

Here we have a Swallow taking a brief rest on an apple tree branch, the birds are looking forward to the approaching warmer months.

And of course the swallow's partner is nearby. They are preparing and getting ready.

With the anticipation of a better availability of food supplies.

A reminder that the ocean is nearby, just over the mountain.

More peaceful skies.

And feathering of the nest.
I heard a strange "tik,tik.tik" sound on the verandah roof and went out to investigate.
Here daddy has pecked out the asbestos from the old roofing sheets on our patio.

With mommy waiting for the arrival of the new generation...watching as daddy prepares the nest.

They are all sensing the change in the season and are all flitting about preparing and getting ready for new things in their lives'. Just so should we be.

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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I liked the pictures

@melooo182 glad you liked it and your vote returned! Blessings!

Just loving all the birdlife in these early stages of spring.

@gholsa to be hones I like the early stages of spring the most. To see the sleeping trees awake from the cold and then to put on new green clothes is so beautiful. Of course the birds also take a new and clearer song! Blessings!

Your post has been selected to receive our 100% upvote for free, and it has been featured on our Daily Report for September 3, 2018.
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@upvocur great to meet you and thank you for the kindness! Blessings!

Don't mention! Smallest thing we could do. Blessings to you and your work!

Our birds in Europe are not so hppy ... Summer has ended. :-) Nice photos, @papilloncharity

@zorank almost the same as humans don't you think? We also become dreary when autumn and winter approaches! Blessings!

Bird life is abundant, lovely meeting the new neighbourhood @papilloncharity

@joanstewart there are so may of the here in the fruit orchards Lady Joan. I hear it gets much busier when the fruit ripens and it's also a predator's haven. We shall see! Good news is that I have already more than half of the 10 most important birds in the Overberg. Not bad for a beginner methinks. Blessings!

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