Come visit a new place in the Apple Valley!

This dam in the grape vineyards drew me like a magnet!

We heard that the Houw Hoek Farm Stall makes the best pies in the land and I was told about the lovely nature walks on their farm. So off we went and after a quick bite we traipsed off like two fairies into nature. Or rather like two Papillon's (Butterflies) into nature.
Let me show you some amazing shots!

Oy Vay! If the African Fish Eagle were to see this he would spend sleepless nights waiting for them to grow up!

The shallow sides of the dam were littered with little tadpoles!

Never before did I get a double shot like this! A Red Dropwing Dragonfly at the bottom and a beautiful Blue at the top! I had to focus on the Blue, as they are scarce!

Here's a closer look at the Red Dropwing at the bottom!

And finally, the rarest shot of all (even if it's from behind) here's the elusive young Blue Emperor. The Emperor's are the biggest of the dragonfly species and what is amazing in this picture is that the Emperor's don't sit horizontally, as they always hang mostly on reeds.
I had to confirm my suspicions with our dragonfly book that agreed with my thought that Emperor's never perch. But here's a first as you can clearly see that this one is perching!

See; "A guide to the Dragonflies & Damselflies of South Africa" By Warwick & Michele Tarboton ISBN: 978-1-77584-184-5

We hope you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Beautiful place with a beautiful name! I would love to visit it one day. Thank you for the invitation! :)

Thank you and you are welcome my friend! Blessings!

Wow your new place i very beautiful..
Thanks for sharing beautiful photographs friend...

@tussar11 Sad that we cannot stay here my friend, but there are many other beautiful places in our country! Thank you and blessings to you my friend!

Little hidden gems in nature to be explored, not only to fill the tummy, to witness new insects and happenings around the next corner.

We used to catch tadpoles as children for our muscovy pet duck who loved them.... yum yum. We rescued her from the veld, later on found chicken eggs for her to lay on when she was broody, five chickens later and loads of fun for 4 children....

Thanks for reviving some great childhood memories Stephen.

@joanstewart Glad that I could evoke some of your fond memories Lady Joan. So strange that we saw no ducks on this farm dam, as it is loaded with tadpoles. What a nice story to share about the duck and the chicken eggs! Blessings!

That first picture is so inviting and the shots of tadpoles and dragonflies are really rare to see. Thank you for sharing with us.

@hope777 A place of beauty, peace and silence Lady Hope. Only now in the many silences do I realize what have I been missing whilst working in the noises of a big city. Here one can think and listen, or listen and think with a clear head! Blessings!

I love the tadpoles! This is an awesome post.

@blockcurator Thank you Sir and glad that you enjoyed the post! Blessings!

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