A time for smaller things!

A big black wasp! They are known for their attacks when disturbed!

I want to show you a variety of pictures taken here at our new home in the Elgin Valley in South Africa.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!

This mantid is playing a game called "upside down"

Here we have a cormorant landing in bright sunshine in a dam!

A farm doggie next to a farm dam!

We are surrounded by apple and grape farms and each farm has their own set of dams. Look at this duckling enjoying the morning water!

Each farm also has their own set of dog species and here lady Marian is playing with Cloud!

And finally, there are also many spiders about!

A true saying states that "if you can appreciate the small things in life, the you can also appreciate the bigger things in life" another saying goes; "if you are good with pennies, you will be good with pounds"
What a waste to struggle along in life after money, prestige and power, when all around one is surrounded by the beauty of life! The question is; "Can this beauty feed us, or put a roof over our head, or pay our child's school and university fees"?

No! But the answer is that once an appreciation and gratitude for life sets into the soul, one starts to live a fuller life and many new experiences are awakened. It's the small things in life that count.
Remember, we have only one life, let's live it to the full!
Think about it!

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Great captures, beautiful angle. all described in your pics. Love it

Happy that you liked it! Thank you! @ykdesign

Wonderful nature! It is so incredible and your photos are great!

@melinda010100 thank you for always being there for us Lady Melinda! It means a lot! Blessings!

Just wish I could do more!

Some super cool images there, I loved the dog by the dam, he looked so content. The bugs are awesome too, I love it when you can capture a good one. We have wasps here but I am not game to get too close, they are feisty lol...

@insideoutlet You are wise, as I have had a few inside my shirt in the past and it's definitely not a pleasant experience! If they sting once it's okay, but the smaller red ones have the habit of repeated stings! I also liked the dog at the dam and would give everything to know what he was sitting and thinking! Thank you and blessings!

@papilloncharity I often wonder what my dog is thinking, especially now we have a toddler with us and he is rather kind and then pinchy which she is not very keen on, she looks up at me with these sad old dog eyes and I swear she's asking when is he leaving, never is the answer poor old dog, he is here to stay. So sad for her lol.

Wow, I have never had a wasp sting Touch wood , don't want to jinx that. I did stand on a bee once and that was enough for me, I stay clear these days.

Big black wasps normally leave you alone, it is the smaller red one that stings without much provocation happened a couple of times at our wash line.

More dogs what a treat, soon they will all be accompanying you on walks. Farm life exploring large and small with camera in hand finding something new everyday, so invigorating Stephen thanks for sharing.

@joanstewart It's a new chapter in our lives' Lady Joan, an exiting one with many new discoveries every day. I have had a run in with both colours of wasps and the black one doesn't sting as many times as the smaller red ones. Still have marks on my chest! You are right, as I also think that soon we will have a chain of all sorts following us around again. Blessings!

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