A photo for MountainmondaysteemCreated with Sketch.

I just had to stop to take a photo of this magnificent sight!

A wine farm's lands backed up by some solid mountains on the Stellenbosch road in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.

I think serenity is the right way to describe this!

This post is also submitted to #Mountainmonday by @keithboone

Imagine living in that Cape style house every day!


signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Now you made me jealous! Today I've attended a workshop in a city and I decided to walk there. It's about 3 km. I didn't realize how cold it was before I went outside and then I was too lazy to return back and get my car, lol. It's freezing and it's so windy! I would wish to be in a warm country now. Is it a vineyard? It would be fantastic to be there right now :) I would wait for real spring to come here and then I would return to Switzerland, lol.

Have a lovely day!

Wow! 3km in the cold without a jersey tells me that you are indeed fit enough!
Now for some more jealousy, as South Africa is known for it's sunshine and mild winters. There are many vineyards in the Western Cape Province and most of them belong to the large Winery Estates.
Tourists from all over the world visit the wine farms to taste the wines and to eat at their restaurants.

Maybe you should think about a visit some time and even if it's just to see some amazing sights in our different, but beautiful country?

Blessings to you my friend!

Hahaha, sounds tempting but I must say that Switzerland is pretty cool too :)

It would be even more tempting if you would say that I would be able to find some vegan food in those restaurant. I love wine from South Africa! However there are just a few brands that are imported here, so it would be nice to try something else.

There are so many places that I want to visit and South Africa is definitely on my list. This year I won't manage to travel much as I'm focusing on my business but hopefully I'll be able to travel again next year.

Have a lovely day!

I also think that Switzerland is very cool my friend.
Regarding the vegan food, there are many restaurants here that serves vegan food, as almost everyone is on the health bandwagon.
You are welcome to contact me whenever you decide to come and I will connect you to the reputable services.

Beautiful photos 👌📸 Blessings my brother!

Thank you for the visit my brother and good to see you here!
I hope all is well with you?

Really nice shots. And btw we love wines from South Africa.

Thank you my friend and they certainly produce great wines over here!
Glad that you like it!

It's true, Stephen! @papilloncharity

There is something about vineyards that almost always throw off a tranquil vibe when viewed. I am not sure why, but, it is simply intoxicating!

The show of mountains in the background and the growing vine in the the front brings peace to my soul. What lovely terrain and what a wonderful look to these vines.

I hope you are having a most splendid day as your day as you head into your afternoon of the day!

Peace to you, my friend!

Thank you Lady Denise and I will sleep peacefully tonight knowing that you are around again.
Please take care of your bones and I hope that you don't intend breaking or straining ANYTHING again.
Oh, and before I forget, take care in the sun!

I am here to stay! I must say that steemit is the best I have ever seen. We just need to find a gig to make more money for PaillionCharity.

Serenity is such a good word for these views the majestic mountains behind those beautiful vines

Have a great week

Peaceful and sedate I am when I stroll around on the wine estates JJ. Tree forests all over the place and the little streams and dams lend an unworldly feel to everything!
Thank you and blessings to you guys my friend!

OHh yes the sound of wate rin a stream is always so calming and soothing especially if surrounded by beautiful scenery

Very beautiful landscape! My eyes are resting, looking at it)

Thank you and I cannot tell you in words what an inner peace well up within me when I walk in the wine estates!

I love photos like this!!!
Rows and rows of grapes...

I can only imagine walking down the rows and seeing all the beauty!

Thank you Lady Dawne and I can guarantee you that it is an experience of a lifetime!
There are also many rows of apples just over the mountain and the place is a paradise!

Those are beautiful mountains and the vineyard makes a lovely foreground for the scene! Thanks for sharing with Mountain Monday! Voted & resteemed :-)

Thank you Sir Keith and I deliberately kept the camera at the same gradient as the hill that we were on, to lend some authentic differences to the pictures. I could have taken the shots absolutely horizontal, but everybody does that!

Howdy sir papilloncharity! What a wonderful view! Postcard perfect like so many places in South Africa.

Thank you Sir Janton and glad that you liked it!
This country certainly has some beautiful shots available for photographers. You been here before?

howdy today papilloncharity! No sir I haven't had the pleasure. In fact, I've never been out of the United States so compared to most people on steemit I haven't experienced much. lol. Someday I'd love to though!

Not a problem sir, as I also have never been out of Africa!

howdy again sir papilloncharity! Oh I see, I thought you probably moved there for some reason but you are a native, very good! I know you are greatly needed there with so many challenges.

That's a beautiful shot. The stark difference between the flat vineyards and the steep mountains is very surprising.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

Thank you Sir and it's so amazing to see the innovation of man by utilizing the rain run off from the mountains to irrigate their vines.
They certainly form a stark and powerful backdrop!

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