A part of the Blue Swallow life!

I open with this lovely scene. A lady white eye massaging her husband's back. Look at his face!

Although this short story is about blue swallows, I open and end it with pictures of other birds in order to avoid boredom.
Here we will have a look at how these little sky wonders are collecting building material for their nest.
Note that women have equal rights in the swallow world, as she works just as hard as her husband.
Let's have a look!

Oh yes, they are collecting mud to build their nest from a rain puddle in the farm road. This is the guy!

And here's his wife checking her make up in the puddle!

They were both at work collecting mud!

Every now and then they would take off with the mud, but as yet I haven't been able to locate their nest.

And in the late afternoon they take a well earned rest!

Finally a Malachite Sunbird shows us his beauty as a fitting end to this story!

If we really take a look around in nature, we will find that almost everything is put to use by the birds and other animals. They scrub, collect, weave and twine all kinds of natural materials to build their nests. Nothing goes to waste.

Each animal is naturally gifted with the talents to plan and build their nests and they always take the sun and the weather into consideration during the planning stages. The females are natural building and safety inspectors.
Sadly as humans we come a poor second. It is heartbreaking here to drive through a beautiful old little town and to see the shocking amount of litter all over the place.

Streams are clogged with plastic and other waste, old car tires, the odd old mattress and all other kids of rubbish. The strong winds whip up empty plastic bags into the high trees where they flutter in the wind like a host of foreign flags.
We simply do not care do we? Councils are supposed to employ clean up crews and we are supposed to hold them to account, especially as there is a dire un-employment crisis in the country, but it seems that the entire system has collapsed.

Could it be that because the councilors salaries and good life take up the majority of the councils income that this poor and filthy situation was created?
Think about it!

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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Great photos! They are so cute 😍

@danielapetk thank you and so many of the small things in nature are cute! Blessings!

Very nice birds, they looks like lovers. ☺♥

@clixmoney thank you, they are in fact newlyweds! Blessings!

More awesome shots you clearly have more patience than I do LOL

@tattoodjay taught at a very young age Sir JJ. I had to spend hours in my room, as my mom thought I was naughty and I took to reading in a great way to pass the time. And so today I can keep my body still and read nature like a book. Blessings!

The filth is apparent everywhere in our country, it is sad to see animals suffer from this deluge of plastic.

When feeding my dogs a couple of years ago I even found a huge piece of plastic in black tripe, so animals sometimes end up eating it as well.

Keep looking to the skies enjoying the sight of birds, lowering our sight to the ground is very upsetting @papilloncharity

@joanstewart the great thing is that there is no plastic litter in the sky yet Lady Joan, although man is trying his best with smoke and other gasses to also defile the sky. But nature is getting very angry about all of the abuse. They call it "Global warming" for lack of a better term to describe our abuse. Blessings!

I love the swallow couple pic :)

Wrt to us as a human species, we're in dire need of reconciliation. Humans can be truly disgusting, thinking that we 'own' the world. With that being said there are always those fighting the good fight, such as yourself I may say.

Your talent with bird photography has truly developed into something amazing. Great work.

@therneau thank you Sir, it takes such a little just to bend and to pick a plastic item off the ground. Sadly I hear the saying that they don't want to do the cleaners job. We certainly have the cat by its tail in this country! A disgusting habit indeed. I am struggling a bit to get good shots with all the rain hereabouts. Thank you for the kind words! Blessings!

Great photos of birds.

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