A New Romance?steemCreated with Sketch.

Like all ladies, she is beautiful and she knows it!

Her name is "Molly" and she is a "Papillon Chihuahua", named as Papillon (Butterfly) due to the shape of her large ears. Molly is now 13 years old and she was adopted by her owner from an animal shelter. She had a very bad heart condition and they thought that she wouldn't live very long, but that was 10 years ago. Her owner is one of the residents in a flatlet here in the back yard of the heritage house where we now live.
And so we introduced our little Troy to Molly today!

Of course Molly has had many suitors and typically she was playing hard to get!

Troy at 14 years old has never had a girlfriend and he seemed to be a bit clueless here about pick-up lines!

And finally he decided to tell Molly his life story about how he was abused when he was a youngster and how his wonderful owners saved and adopted him. But of course Molly has heard this all before and she turned away from his desperate approaches. I think that I will have to give Troy some tips about romantic approaches, but I am also not too good in that department. Maybe we should hire a love counsellor for him?

We hope you have enjoyed the story and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Molly and Troy looks really a sweet couple <3

Thank you Lady Silvia and I agree!

What a sweet romantic tale I think Molly needs to give Troy a chance and yes try needs some coaching

You are right JJ, he has never had a girlfriend, but it will have to be a platonic relationship, as we had him fixed a long time ago!

I guessed as much but a friend may be good for him :)

Omg I love chihuahuas!!! They're tiny little cutties!

Me too Lady Vanessa and you forgot to mention that they are also cheeky little cuties! Troy is very handsome and Molly has no reason to play hard to get!

Wow she is beautiful and have beautiful name Molly.
Nice story on Molly. Thanks for share beautiful photographs with us..

I agree that Molly is beautiful and I also think that Troy has a real manly demeanor about him my friend! Blessings!

Oh they look good together, no time at all they will be romping around the garden together @papilloncharity

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