A Crow Proclaiming his Kingdom!

Here you can see him coming in to land at the top of a huge tree!

The tree was across the farm dam on the opposite side from us and they were difficult shots, as the sun was almost behind the crow. So, I had light, distance and height to contend with, but by grace I think the shots are not too bad. Still, I would have loved to capture his face clearly.

I have seen these guys sit on the thinnest of branches at the top of trees!

True crow style, this guy let rip with a couple of very loud screams!

He then simply opened his wings and allowed the wind to lift him on his way!

For a long time I thought that crows were sitting and calling like this in order to attract females. Not so! Crows can communicate with each other in different sounds and this particular call is to let the world and all of its animals know that this area is his very own territory. Crows can also release alarm calls that will result in other crows in the area rushing to the alarmist's aid. Not too long ago, we saw 3 crows and 5 Hadida Ibis's in a struggle for territorial rights!

We hope you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


The crow is a very intelligent bird we knew people growing up who had one they taught a few words to, his name was Fanie which he could vocalize quite well.

Brilliant photography over distance and conditions.

@joanstewart Thank you for the support and all of your kindness Lady Joan. I don't say this often enough! Many attach bad omens to crows, but to me they are just wonderful birds of mother nature! Blessings!

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