This is a true story about a spider I found drinking coffee ! An UNBELIEVABLE but true story (with photographic proof)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

You'd never believe this story if I just told you so here's the picture !
10136985077 - youd never believe this story if i just told you.jpg

So it's midwinter and it's pretty chilly. I notice on the kitchen sideboard that there's a very small Daddy Long Legs Spider ( which live behind the cupboards) is sitting on a teaspoon. I thought it had fell in and was a bit awwww, poor thing. I looked closer and to my AMAZEMENT I could see that the little spider was supping on the last drop of coffee which got left in the cup of the spoon.

It was actually sitting there with it's little mouth in there, drinking COFFEE (with milk). I shouted over to Neil, hey there's a spider in this teaspoon drinking coffee. He calmly replied "it's OK, it's only De-caff"

What I find particularly amazing is the resourcefulness of a small arachnid who in the middle of winter has gone out in search of a much needed meal. (It probably hadn't tasted fly juice for a good few months).. Then I thought, oh yeah milk.. protein, fat.. not that different from fly juice.. Then it made me think of the experiments where scientists gave spiders different stimulants and noted how it affected their web making capabilities.


Ahhh much better nice post^^ lol wow great picture!

Thanks Lar ! It's quite incredible really.. a gift !

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