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RE: Faces of Borneo - portrait photography

in #photography6 years ago

Oh my GooooOooOod i'm "staying thirsty" for one of those for sure!
You goofball, that was a burst out laughing moment. Definitely need to practise my man poses now.
Was it one of those photoshop days?


It wasn't until I had that idea, and then found the PERFECT shot on one of your posts- and then I knew it needed to exist- I wasn't feeling so great yesterday, so the fact that I got that done at all was a miracle- but SO worth it lol-

I had a feeling it might make you lol a bit ;)

I'm so elated this is on the blockchain forever 😉
What happened to you yesterday? Hope things are better today...

Oh it was just a rough focus day. I guess I'm pretty hard on myself when I'm not shooting out of the gate like gangbusters!

Low energy and a bit run down physically- not much to do exept rest on those days... and make trolly photoshop art for lovely steemians ;)

Sounds like one of those winter days where you just have to let the day pass by and trust the next will be better.
Take it easy and enjoy your extra special weekend. Man, I wish i was 30 again!

Thank you! What’s with all the 30 stigma out there in the world anyway- high crossed the threshold myself now, I think it’s pretty damn great haha <3 Looking forward to finding out what the net decades have to offer

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