Shadow Steps

in #photography7 years ago

Shadow walking

On the way back from a spot of sketching this evening I was walking along the road and observing the long shadows that my figure in the light of the evening sun was casting across the road. I soaked in that moment and took the time to observe the sounds and smells of the warm summers evening, I wrote down on the back of my sketch pad the words below as I walked.


A hot sweet smell

of the earth and grasses

travels on a mellow breeze

as the nape of my neck is bathed

in the evening sun


A layered chorus of bird songs

Play with the melody of crickets

As the wind chimes through the leaves


Long shadows walk

like giants

Their strides

stretching out

along lines of grey




The poetry is a perfect match for your imagery. Thanks for sharing.

Wow you have long legs lol, Lovely poem :)

I wish they were that long!

Would get you around a lot quicker :)

Maybe I need to invest in a pair or stilts!

I used to love playing with stilts :)

Cool, I love it, are you so tall? :)
Great post 👍I'm really like it 😀

Haha, no I'm not that tall!

haha... very creative, love it

If there is time, please visit my blog, I will be very happy 😁

So what was your inspiration for this? Did you take the pictures and then write the poem, or vice versa? What led to the other?

I'm curious : )

I made them both at the same time, I'd just finished sketching the tree in my previous post. As I walked home i noticed the shadows, I took the photographs as I walked and wrote down the words on my sketchpad- you can see it in my hand in some of the pictures.

Thats so cool! What a neat little fit of inspiration : )

... me and the tree and the shade - loved it! creative inspiration!!

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing inner thoughts. I like posts such as these........

Excellent, thank you

No my friend. Thank you. Inspiring. :)

This is my shadow walking, as you can see I'm looking for my shadow.

omg so cool poetry!! @opheliafu
following you~~

btw , this is my poetry =D i love poetry / poem

yeah, sometimes you must do like theses things to inspire imagination and make the perfect storm of discovering the self.

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