Happy Mother's Day

in #photography6 years ago

I'm not big on holidays and the days dedicated to the certain event, a person or group of people. We should respect them all the time not just on a special day. Usually, we exaggerate with attention and gifts at that day and forget about them the very next.

I think that we should try to find a middle, reasonable way. But that's just my opinion and you don't need to agree with me.

Today is one of these days and I want to say a few words.

I have been on Steemit almost from the beginning and I read a lot but I don't have enough time for commenting, and not enough voting power to upvote just the fraction of them either. But I'm trying.

A lot of these post are written by women. They are very active on Steemit. Many of them are mothers, and they are from all over the world.

My today's post and especially photos are dedicated to them.

I'm sure most of them like flowers.












I took these photos on my last vacation. They're from six different countries and if you follow my blog you should know the names but if you don't it's nothing wrong that.

I don't want to be smart here but I would like to say to all mothers of steemit:

In today's rat race it's difficult to be a mother. Way too often we put the burden on the different institutions to do your job but your role is unreplaceable.

Keep that in mind and be proud of yourself.

I wasn't quite sure when to publish this post. It's still Saturday morning here but somewhere East is already a new day.

Better to be one day early than five minutes late, my friends. Like in Crypto wonderland.

Happy Mother's Day.


Happy mother’s day! We truly all are flowers in the eyes of our children!

i am really proud of being a mother and happy mother's day to all the women in the world. it's an ordinary day and it's a special day , thanks for your wishes for all the mothers .

The Mother-son-daughter relationship is one of the kind. We may know it or not, but that relationship creates a endless mark in any of us, either for good (almost always) or for worst (when no Mother is there, for example), but always a mark that will have a strong influence in our character and personality.
Mothers are a PRECIOUS GIFT of nature, and so we should apprecite it, such as the flowers above. My wishes for HEALTH and HAPPINESS to all the sons and daughters, wich I'm sure, will make their MOTHERS VERY HAPPY... and a lot of time for them to share each others!!

Thank you for that post. I am a mother. I completely agree with what you said; it's about how we treat people each day and not just on one day a year with material presents. When I get a gift from someone (e.g. a jar of homemade jam) and it's not for my birthday or Christmas, somehow that gift seems even more meaningful.

Happy mother's Day. Excellent flower photography. Dedicated all mother's. thank you so much for your exclusive post.......@oldtimer

Do you know that you something else. You keeping inspiring with your posts. The amazing beautiful photos from nature from different countries, bring the world so close to us. And now you took out of your normal routine post to celebrate the mothers on steemit.
@oldtimer you are indeed a mentor and a darling.
God bless your good heart

Mother is my world.Happy mother day.

Happy mother's day to all the lovely and caring mothers. May God bless you all.

So exceptionally well said my companion. I concur with the "uncommon" day thing. Particularly with regards to Valentines Day. I believe that individuals should set aside the opportunity to make their friends and family feel exceptional constantly and not nee dan reason to purchase blossoms or endowments. The blossoms for Mother's Day were delightful, there are such huge numbers of ladies of steemit and I think the signal is great.

Roses are the most vital things that draw the grin, and give solace and good faith in its splendid hues and delightful odors. When we bring roses, this shows their place in our souls and how vital it is. The roses dependably demonstrate the great taste while picking a present for those we love.Great day. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing superb Photography.

I value your blog.

Much obliged to you.

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