New Mundane Art Contest - Walls


Hey Friends!

Check Out The

New Mundane Art Contest:



This is a contest that anyone can easily enter. Everyone has some walls around them. Be sure to check out @kus-knee. Here is the Old Dogs post about the contest. He is even giving away 20 Steem in prizes!


Let me know which one I should enter...


Always remember...

u _matter_P1150237.JPG

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.



The first one. I like it because it says wall more than the others and I like the mixture of wood and moss.

I had a hard time making a decision on mine too and now I'm not sure. It really doesn't's just all in good fun anyways.

The other photo is the You matter one....that is art :)

Thanks so much for your input. Yeah I thought I would try my hand at making a positive message/graffiti one time lol.

And a great message it is! You never know who might need to read that :)

Thanks for the information about the contest and In my opinion the first one photo with moss on walls is the best among those beautiful photo. If I were to join and I own those photos the no one photo will be my entry.. Good luck for the contest and God bless.. Hope to join also before the contest ends.

I like the third image friend

You make the mundane look real pretty, Paul. Love that first shot in particular:)

upvoted&followed :)

I just scrolled through the post real quick and saw the red writing and what look like "Your Mother" and had to double back. You matter makes much more sense now that I slowed things down a bit.

Beautiful artwork..all the best in this sir

Walls I suppose could be considered to keep things out, for the negative as a barrier to prevent free access, or protection to prevent... free access lol. It just depends on which side of the wall you find yourself ;-)

Particualrly in that second image, I get the sense of exploration, the open water there with the wall off to the side, like someone had seen this vastness for the very first time after a long time behind the wall...

Makes me think of Frost's Mending Wall.

A noble poem indeed :-)

Hey! All photos are great, but the first one really stands out for the theme - walls. In other three photos it looks like the wall isn't the queen of the show! :D

I am still hoping to catch this wall train. I have a perfect candidate, but i don't have a photo of it. I still have couple of days to make this happen.

Yep sounds like you got a good one, just get it in ASAP!

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