I Cannot Believe I Got Cooties!!!


Hiya Friends

Don't Get Too Close Though

Coz I Got a Case of the Cooties


I think I have had to learn a very hard lesson. Plus, I think it is important to share this lesson with you, so you don't make the same mistake I made. I really do need to be more careful about who I bring home when I go out. The Old Guy has a thing for the cheap ones. My motto has always been the cheaper the better! If one is looking worn out and maybe even a little worse for the wear, the Old Guy is happy to bring her home and give her a chance. You know, give a bit of TLC and see where it goes.Who knows, maybe something beautiful will develop. However, this time my good luck has come to an end...an abrupt end...with cooties!

Not everything that looks healthy is as healthy as it looks!!

See the fine looking web on the leaves, and the wee little tiny dots...


Looks like I will need my Panasonic 30mm Macro lens and push it to the limit for this job.


Those are some tiny buggers!


This is about as good as I can get. To be honest, they look like nasty creatures, and I don't need to see any closer LOL!


Thank you to @dswigle for taking time from her vacation to explain to me that they are spider mites. I must have got them when I brought home my tulips, or was it the paperwhite narcissus? Guess it goes to show, I need to be a bit more selective of whom I bring home.

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.



Oh, Hello!! Is nothing sacred??

Hope you took care of your "bugs!" Thank goodness there is an easy fix to that!

The cooties are sacred!

Took care of them? Im breeding them!!! They are kind of cute!


I knew my spidey sense was tingling! :O



Wait till they get a little bit bigger then thrown them in a fry pan with a little bit of chili and lemon sauce they have a great taste and lots of proteins is what we do with them over here in Thailand :)))

Hey, maybe I can get MORE of them. Kind of start breading my own. Be fore long I will never have to buy beef anymore!

See you can cut your shopping bill even more :))

LOL Yes!!!

LOL ... you had me there for a minute. Do you have to toss the plant or can you treat it?

Don't worry....you can get rid of them. Spray the underside of the leaves with water and a drop or two of dishsoap. I would probably carefully cut off the web infested leaves too.

The schefflera are susceptible to pests anyway.

Good luck with your cooties....might be time for a cootie vaccination?? Remember those?

@countrygirl has the answer. Treat the plant and maybe those close to it also.

Just bring them out of the house

Wooww amazing photograpy... at first I thought just a flower photo but it turns out there is a very small spider between its leaves. Thank you for beautiful pictures.

I always knew you had Cooties. :P

And those particular ones look kind of creepy... o_O

Yes, spray and wipe the leaves outside. Maybe even leave it outside for now.

I had cooties as a kid but they looked like this.
I've got plenty of full sized spiders if you want to trade. The small ones are downright adorable.

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