Color Challenge FridayBlue

Blue Friday is Today's #ColorChallenge

Well today's color challenge is blue, for Friday. I would have thought of Blue Monday with a hat tip to Fats Domino, but hey what do I know...I just go with the flow lol.

What To Do?

So I was wondering what to do for Blue Friday... At first I though of taking a picture of the sky, but its raining here in Michigan and the sky is anything but blue! So I glanced over while eating lunch and caught a glimpse of him...specifically his HAT!


A Top Hat??

Yes and not just any top hat - a silly looking BLUE top hat lol!!!! Worn by none other than my sometimes nemesis, Hank!



Yep...that's Hank. Hes been known to be a real pest sometimes! Why just look at those beady eyes! He loves the limelight and even tries to weasel in on my YouTube videos! We had a big fight about it here...

We Get the Point, Hank!

Anyways he is very proud of that blue top hat. He says blue is his all time favorite color. He even bleeds blue! Just look at his fluid!


Enough of Hank Already!!

Well I hope you don't mind that Hank got involved with the #colorchallenge and bluefriday. He just always wants to be seen! Hank is just one of those attention seeking old birds...a drinking bird at that!


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube Main channel
YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang


It's already saturdayblack. oh, no black? but the sun has not risen.
Anyway, i heard a little story about this little guy years ago.
Quite hilarious. Read this a bit

Haha that cute...See the drinking bird is the most classy answer...much cooler than the humping dog LOL Upvoted!

Brought back memories of me having one of these lol :)

It gives people that watch my YouTube videos something to watch when they are bored of me lol.

Cool! I remember these ever thirsty birds, had one, when I was a kid! :)

I never had one before, so I thought he would be cool on the back shelf lol

They are cool! I will see if I can find one to show the kids! 😃😉

Cute blue post :))

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