
And no skin on the hands. I worked as a hod carrier years ago. Hard job. The worst was the fingers. Abraded you faster than imaginable. The masons went through two to five pairs of gloves a day. I just duct taped mine. Who needs dexterity, or major style, when responding to "MORE MUD, MORE MUD"?!!! Finally quit after mixing cement in -15 degrees, when they were inside. And don't even get me started on pushing a wheelbarrow full of mud over a 12 inch wide board crossing the 5 foot ditch at the foundation. Wonder how many buildings have a wheelbarrow-sized dollop of cement at their base, due to me? Don't even want to contemplate.

As for wood and staples.... When I lived in the Midwest of the US, there were many brick houses, which I LOVE. So gorgeous, and unique. Out west, we're in major earthquake country, and there are VERY few. Think it might even be against code??? They don't hold up well to the big tremblor's. Of which we are overdue for a real DOOZY. They say it will take over a year to recover, once it hits. I'm hoping it holds off until I am reduced to only a memory.

If I ever get to your neck of the woods, I'm pretty sure I will spend a whole lot of digi-film on bricks and buildings and such. Fascinado.

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