The Historical re- enactment, Second world War, the American tenth division. Photo #1 The Child.

Here are some photos of the historical re-enactment that took place in my village Prunetta. The re-enactment was based on the Second World War where soldiers during the passage to go to other parts of Europe, the Soldiers of the American tenth division stopped and camped in Prunetta, a country that they loved a lot as we read from the letters and photos that left, especially the soldier Donald Todd who made a collection of written and visual testimonies, his nephew came to give a lecture on his grandfather's memories of war.
I made some posts in Italian that I will soon translate in the beginning i want to share with you a collection of photos to show you how cool it was this experience, in the photos there are both actors and villagers who enthusiastically participated in the re-enactment.
Enjoy the view.


The child was watching the war that had so frightened him go away, he looked at the soldiers with curiosity, wondering where the game ended and the pain started, the child did not understand, for him everything was a game, even his uniform and the rifle were just to have fun, it would never have killed or really shot someone, the child looked up the soldiers left, wanted peace and just play with his friends and family.

All pictures are mine.



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