Photos: Kobun-tei Pavillion, Kairaku-en Park, Mito, Japan

in #photography8 years ago

Inspired by some recent posts on Steemit (Japan Photo Blog by kafkanarchy84, My Ryokan Experience by shinge3 etc.), I've decided to start posting some of my Japan-related photos. Most of these are already on my Flickr account ( but I reckon that as Flickr now belongs to Yahoo, I'd be much better off sharing them here.

I took these photos when on a trip to the Kairaku-en 偕楽園 Park in Mito 水戸市, Ibaraki 茨城県 Prefecture. One of the three most famous gardens in Japan, the Kairaku-en was created in 1841 by Tokugawa Nariaki 徳川斉昭, a relative of the Shogun. Whilst the park is perhaps most famous for its plum trees and landscaped garden, I was most impressed by the Kobun-tei 好文亭 Pavillion (I visited in October, hardly the season for plum trees...), a two-storey traditional Japanese building erected in the grounds as a place for rest and parties. I studied Japanese architecture as a postgrad in London, so I guess I'm biased, but I did really like the rooms: all those polished floors, straw tatami 畳 mats, bamboo and Japanese paper shoji 障子 screens and painted fusuma 襖 sliding doors really do make the visit worthwhile.

Hope you like the photos: let me know what you think!


Beautiful photos, the composition is quite brilliant. You make great use of the symmetries in the architecture. Reminds me of Yasujiro Ozu's films :)

Thanks for the comment! I guess the fact I took some of the photos on my knees (not much light and I had no tripod) is maybe what makes you think of Ozu!

great photos and great place!

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