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RE: White Rhinos – My extraordinary experience (Featuring @naomi-louise as author)

in #photography8 years ago

Lovely Photos!

I remember encountering white rhinos when I was in Kenya. It was the late 80s, and I was about 7 or 8. We were at a safari park, and my parents have somehow managed to arrange for us to actually be in an enclosure with a white rhino and its child (I did not think much of it at the time, but now I wonder how my parents actually managed to get that to happen).

I actually remember being allowed to touch the rhino, it felt very leathery...

Sometime after that, as we stood around, the child rhino (which was about my height) just suddenly put down its head and charged straight at me. My mother nearly wrenched my arm out of its socket pulling me out of the way. We left the enclosure very quickly.

It really saddens me to think that soon those lovely animals might be extinct.


Thank you for sharing @nenad-ristic. What an experience that must've been! WOW!
Yes, there are places that have 'tame' rhinos that allow close contact and touching. They're still wild animals (and blind to boot) and as such unpredictable. Good on your mom for saving you! I bet she aged years in that moment. They're so big and heavy that a just bump from them can do damage.
This I know - I'll keep fighting for them however I can.

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