My Daily Pic - The Pantheon

in #photography7 years ago

Hey Steemians,

Here is another Daily Pic from my vast collection :)

One of the most famous buildings in the world. The photo is of the famous Occulus that sits at the top of this massive dome. Even more incredible than this occulus is the fact this massive dome was constructed almost two millenia ago. The building technology required to construct such an expansive dome was so advanced that there wasnt another dome of this size and height for over a millenia afterwards. Those ancient romans did something right, because even with that massive weight of stone pushing down on the dome its still standing today (although quick disclaimer the original did burn down some time and was rebuilt but the date is unknown).

I hope you all enjoy!



Awesome. This was my favourite building when I lived in Rome for 6 months studying Architecture (DSA - Directed Studies Abroad at Carleton) I wrote an essay about this building and will need to dig it up - back in the 90's when we didn't have much internet. It must have been hand written since we did not have computers in our Studio in Trastevere. I LOVE Rome and want to go back some day with my wife and kids but it is expensive.

I can see why its your favorite. I also LOVE Rome. Its one of my favourite cities ever! I hope you and your family can go see the Pantheon in person one day :)

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