5 most amazing and terrifying pools in the world.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

 5- Holiday Inn Shanghai Pudong Kangqiao's swimming pool.

"Holiday Inn Shanghai Pudong Kangqiao’s swimming pool has a view with a difference, as the image above shows. Part of the indoor pool, which perches atop the 24-story hotel, protrudes from the main building and is suspended mid-air. Its bottom is constructed with toughened glass. This gives guests a delirious sense of swimming in the sky, they can see the street clearly 100 mts down below while people on Xiuyan Lu can see the swimmers way up above." According to CNN. 

Would I go to this pool? Of course i would, the architects and engineers of this masterpiece were very clever in creating this work, if money were not an issue, surely this would be one of my first destinations to visit in the world. Besides that the hotel is a world-class luxury.

4- Nemo 33 - Belgium.

"Located in Brussels, Belgium, Nemo 33 is the deepest indoor swimming pool in the world, with a maximum depth of 34.5 metres (113 ft). Numerous underwater windows allow outside visitors to look into the pools at various depths. There are two large flat-bottomed areas reaching depth levels of 5m (16 ft) and 10m (32 ft), and a large circular pit plunging to a distance of 33m (108 ft). At the 10m mark are also featured several simulated underwater caves. Nemo 33 was designed by Belgian expert diver John Beernaerts as a multi-purpose diving instruction, recreational, and film production complex. " According to www.thisismarvelous.com

Would i visit this one? Yes, why not? It makes me feel curious about knowing what would be swimming under 33m of water. You can have a time to relax submerged underwater, as your philosophy time.

3- Marina sands bay - Singapore

"Infinity pool in the famous Marina Bay Sands Skypark was opened in 2010 in Singapore. The 1115 ft (340 m) long pool belongs to a 2,560 rooms hotel and is one of the biggest and most impressive in the world. The Infinity pool’s construction is indeed amazing: it embraces three buildings. It looks like the water spills over the edge. However, it is being pumped back into this gorgeous pool, which is 55 storeys up. Architect Moshe Safdiehas designed the Marina Sands resort. Legendary Diana Ross sang during the hotel’s opening night. The whole Skypark complex attracts thousands of visitors each day. " According to www.placetoseeinyourlifetime.com

What about this one? I have to be honest by saying this is my favorite of this top 5. Just think about watching tha whole city right in the top of a 5 stars hotel while relaxing in this amazing pool. This could be one of the greatest place to be with friends talking about anything. Once again, if money weren't an issue, this has to be one place to visit several times.

2- Flowave - Scotland.

 "Definitely not coming to water park near you is a FloWave, a state-of-the-art wave pool that whips water around, simulating waves as tall as 90-feet and currents at 20 feet per second. FloWave is a real ocean simulator, you see, and its job is to prepare our infrastructure for the violent battering of the seas.

Where some people see destructiveness, others see opportunity. The constant movement of ocean water can be harnessed as tidal power, one of the latest ideas in renewable energy. But if you're putting multimillion dollar equipment into the ocean, you want to make sure it doesn't fall apart like LEGO pieces in turbulent waters. Manufacturers of offshore wind turbines have, for example, had to learn the hard way, as ocean turbulence cause vibrations that caused debilitating wear and tear. This pool is not for human usage" According to www.gizmodo.com

This time i'm gonna pass. This pool is only for tests, and really doesn't seem so attractive. Maybe for some of you this could be a great place to visit, i don't know, maybe for science studies or something like that. 

1- The Victoria falls devils pool - Zimbabwe

" One of the greatest attractions in Africa and one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls is located on the Zambezi River, the fourth largest river in Africa, which is also defining the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Victoria Falls is the only waterfall in the world with a length of more than a kilometer and a height of more than hundred meters. It is also considered to be the largest fall in the world. The noise of Victoria Falls can be heard from a distance of 40 kilometers, while the spray and mist from the falling water is rising to a height of over 400 meters and can be seen from a distance of 50 kilometers. No wonder that the local tribes used to call the waterfall Mosi-o-Tunya The smoke that thunders." According to www.victoriafalls.org

What the #$%*? Really? I am scared of heights, think about being in this place so close to fall down, I know it could be pretty exciting for those who are the most risky and are not scared to death (hahaha). Of course this seems like a good place to visit one day, the landscape is beautiful, but I would remain outside the water. 

These pools could be a great destination for the most adventurers around the world, it's full of greatness. If money isn't a problem, you must to visit one of these one day.

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