Monday Colorful photography 10 benefits of cold tea for health

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


This drink is one of the drink menu that has been in all places to eat, this drink can be enjoyed by everyone from the rich or the poor. In addition, these drinks are usually the most widely served and almost every home kitchen must have tea This happens because this drink is tight in the community for hot, warm or cold is very good.
Talking about the benefits and efficacy of the tea itself do not forget because the content has been in it, For the content contained therein has been caffeine tea, antioxidants, vitamin A, B complex, C, E, catechins polyphenols, flavanols, manganese, moccitrate, zinc and potassium. Of course with this content of this drink is believed to have many benefits and benefits, Then what are the benefits and efficacy of ice tea for health?
Here are 10 benefits of cold tea:


** 1. lower cholesterol levels**
A study that has been done in various countries has proven that consuming tea is very good at all to lower cholesterol, Therefore many parents who like to drink this tea because of its content can help lower cholesterol levels in the body.

** 2. boost immunity**
This tea has a substance that can help boost the immune system, vitamin C content is very active in this drink can help the body in improving the body's immune system. this is what can help to prevent various diseases that can attack the body.

3. maintain heart health
If cholesterol levels are maintained then health will also be safe. The content of vitamin E in this drink is very good at all to maintain heart health, So consuming this tea is recommended because it can maintain the health of the body and its organs.

4. get rid of body toxins
Other health benefits of tea can throw away the toxins in the body, This tea is believed to have benefits to help the body in removing toxins, This happens because the content of this drink is very good for digestion and help normalize the circulation of the body.

5. strengthen bones
This tea drink also has vitamin D that is very good at all to strengthen bones, If you are still in the growth stage of consuming tea is highly recommended to help accelerate the formation to grow faster because of protein support.

6. increase energy
The content of vitamin B complex that exists in this beverage is very good to increase body metabolism, this will be able to process processing and can produce energy faster, Therefore many people who drink tea to add their energy and very good for the consumption at in the morning.

7. prevent cancer
Cancer is on the body can develop quickly, To quell this cell can be by consuming tea, this drink can cripple cancer feared can spread to the body, Therefore need to consume this tea which has antioxidant content which will help in preventing cancer and also kill cancer cells.

8. rich in antioxidants
High content of antioxidants in tea is also very good for health, this antioxidant has been believed to help fight free radicals, so for workers outside the room it is advisable to drink this tea because of free radicals a lot if the move in the sun.

9. Replace damaged cells
Cells that are in the body are usually often damaged, Therefore to overcome this need to consume tea, protein content in this beverage will help you in regenerating damaged cells. So this drink is very good to replace cells that have been damaged in the skin, muscles, bones and hair.

10. help the diet
for those of you who are dieting or want to diet you can use tea because it contains enough nutritious tea can also help you in fulfilling nutrition when you go on a diet, But you do not forget to give sugar, Although it tastes a little bitter but the content of calories , Therefore if you are on a diet it is advisable to consume tea.

that is the 10 benefits and benefits of cold tea for your body health that you need to know, Hopefully the information about the efficacy of this drink is useful to add insight and your knowledge in maintaining your health and by consuming healthy drinks every day, and a healthy lifestyle will be more profitable for you in the future.

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