It's Fish Food Louhan let Red, and Big Fast

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Indeed, many fish luohan Many are fans because louhan fish have advantages that the prominent forehead called jenong or nong - nong and its beautiful scales.



Louhan fish quality is usually determined by jenongnya, the bigger jenongnya then louhan fish will be more expensive. Caring for good louhan fish to improve the quality of jenong or color can not be separated from the feed. The feed given to louhan is also very influential for the growth of louhan tiller fish.

For all our steemian friends who are looking for good louhan feeding information for the growth of the louhan fish puppies, or to speed up the jenong and to enliven the following colors we present in the description of Qualified Louhan Feed For Growth, Jenong And Colors. Nutrition Value of High Quality Louhan Feed For Growth, Jenong And Color

Food to accelerate the growth of louhan fish, the nutritional value is different from the louhan fish feed let fast jenong and also for the color.

Do not let friends all give louhan fish who are in the growth period given louhan fish food let fast jenong, and vice versa.
Qualified Louhan Feed To Accelerate Growth.

Animal louhan fish from larvae to size 15 cm is a growth phase. In the growth phase it is necessary to feed the growth process.

While the feed that helps the process of acceleration in the growth of louhan fish seedlings must have a high nutritional content.

There are three ingredients that must exist in the feed for the louhan fish puppies of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

  1. Protein

Protein content of feed louhan tillers should be high, because protein is indispensable in the growth phase. Kandunagan protein feed louhan seeds at least 40% and should be higher than other types of content.

Examples of feed louhan seedlings that contain high protein are natural foods such as, artemia, tubifeks worms, earthworms and also fish haruan (tilapia fish).

  1. Fat

Feed the saplings to help the growth process should also contain high fat. Fat is a source of energy to move the fish and maintain body temperature.

The content in fat is essential fats such as Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and Docasahexaenoic (DHA) and linoleat, the third - all of which is very needed louhan saplings to support the growth.

High quality naturally-fed and high-fat foods such as silk worms and blood worms.

  1. Carbohydrates

In addition to protein and fat, louhan fish puppies also need foods that contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed by louhan fish puppies as a source of energy and also maintain the stability of the body.

That is the content of quality louhan feed to accelerate growth, especially louhan fish puppies.

And it should be noted also for small louhan should be given natural food regularly. If the natural feed supplies are found to be difficult to obtain, louhan tillers can also be replaced with frozen worms.

The price of frozen worms can be considered expensive than natural feed, for the alternative can also be given pellets.

The pellets given to the louhan fish puppies are various brands, and not all pellets are favored as lobbers.

Of all brands of pellets, can friends - friends who are branded Agaru, this brand is good for feeding louhan puppies aged about 1 month

And the artificial feed which is also favored by the louhan fish puppies as well as good for the growth is Pa'Cil Micro floating pellet brand. Another Pa'Cil Micro floating pellet is cheaper than Agaru.
Feed Louhan Qualified For Colors And Let Jenong Fast

Feed Louhan Let Jenong

Unlike the louhan fish puppies in the growth phase, the louhan fish maturity of the growing process has begun to decline.

Therefore, in the pattern of giving pakanyapun different, because in this phase is needed adult louhan fish is caring.

As the above explanation, that the greater the jenong louhan fish then the price of louhan fish will be more expensive. So is the color of louhan fish.

A good feed to stimulate louhan fish to quickly jenong is shrimp.

Besides that, shrimp also help to bring red color (containing astaxanthin pigment). And also able to help membongsorkan Lou Lou's body.

In addition to the good natural shrimp feed for adult louhan fish is crickets, because it can increase the length of the fins after a few days.

Natural feed that is also given to adult louhan fish to bring the color of pearls that are lit is centipedes.

Feed Louhan For Color

That's some kind of quality louhan feed to accelerate growth, helping to fast jenong and also for the color.



woooow that is cool upvoted 1%, i am rich @mxzn. thanks.... :)

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