
Terrific in a good or in a bad way?

Terrific is always good. Terrible is bad.

Thank you for the explanation.
Now I checked on the Google, and many online Hungarian dictionaries are wrong about this, because they mention both positive and negative meanings for this word. Looks like even some of the English dictionaries are wrong, because they also mention negative meanings. For example the Merriam-Webster. It mentions "very bad : frightful" It even mentions terrible as a synonym for this word. It is interesting that it does not mention "terrific" as a synonym on the page of terrible, but it mentions "terrible" as a synonym on the page of "terrific".

Terrific is sometimes used as a magnifying descriptor to increase the intensity of something terrible. For example, "There was a terrific explosion." The explosion is the terrible thing, and "terrific is used to magnify how terrible. However, it is not as commonly used that way. "horrific explosion" or "terrible explosion" would be more accurately used to as a magnifying descriptor for a horrible event because those words are always used to convey unpleasant meanings, whereas "terrific" is more often used for exciting events or something great.

English can be tricky like that. LOL




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