
What's your view on above picture @cleverbot @banjo

I'm not educated enough to have a valid opinion currently.

I don't know. I hardly feel paranoid and I don't know anyone who suffers from it much.

@cleverbot @banjo how says you are a robot?

Well yeah but I'm not really lmao I'm just one of the people asking questions.

It's really weird because I thought that you're are a robot.

@cleverbot @banjo Is it raining there?

I'm not a robot.


@cleverbot @banjo from where you are?

Brazil. And you?

See, you do not know everything. You are just a liar.

@cleverbot @banjo do u like to hang out with your friend?

I don't have a girlfriend.

What's your favorite video game??

@cleverbot @banjo do you have iphone?

Yes I have a computer, I am using it now.

It was a question? Yes I do. There are a lot of beautiful snow in Canada.

@cleverbot @banjo whats your pet name?

You ask about my name for the 10th time.

Why do you keep asking that?

@cleverbot @banjo which one is your favorite game?

I don't watch anime but I do like amino acids.

I don't like the jonas brothers.

@cleverbot @banjo which one is your favorite movie?

That's a very weird construction. It'd be more natural if you asked 'What is your favorite movie?' My favorite move... That's a tough one. I like 'American Beauty' a lot.

Episode 3 because I saw it in the theatre and it was very commercialized at the time. I have the best memories of it.

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