My little lens collection.

in #photography7 years ago

I wanna show you my collection of lenses with little review of every lens. I've got 8 lenses. 6 of them are older M42 screw mount lenses and 2 are Canon Ef mount lenses.
Let's start with first one: Helios 44-2 58mm f2.0 (M42)
I think that everyone knows about this lens, it's pretty cheap and good looking lens. I bought my copy of this lens for 5$.
Helios 44-2 is copy of the Carl Zeiss Biotar 58mm, and a much affordable version. It got a beautiful swirly bokeh, and when aperture is wide open it has usable photos, when you stop down to f2.8 photos are pretty sharp.

Second one: Jena 50mm f2.8 (M42)
It's pretty light weight and compact lens. Wide open have nice and sharp center but quite noticeable corner softness which is visible to about f/8. It has 6 aperture blades and minimal focusing distance of 0.5m. I got my version for about 10$.

Third lens: Auto Revuenon 28-70mm f4 (M42)
Manufactured by Cosina - also known as Cosina MC Macro 28-70mm f/4-22. Wide open gives you pretty good contrast and usable shoots, when you stop down to f5.6 it gets sharper photo. It has 8 aperture blades and minimal focusing distance of 0.7m. I got my version of this lens for about 10$.

Fourth lens: Revuenon 35mm f2.8 (M42)
This is an analog of the Auto Mamiya Sekor 35mm f/2.8 lens, manufactured by Mamiya for Quelle. It's not that pretty sharp when aperture is wide open, you need to stop down to f4 to get way better results. It has 6 aperture blades and minimal focusing distance of 0.5m. I got my version of this lens for about 12$.

Fifth lens: Industar L/Z (MC) 50mm f2.8 (M42)
Optical lens based on the design Tessar lens with lanthanum glass. It has pretty good sharpness when it's wide open and good contrast. It has 6 curved aperture blades and minimal focusing distance is 0.3m. I got my version of lens for about 40$.

Sixth lens: Vivitar 75-260mm f4.5 (M42)
Manufactured by Tokina. It's not pretty sharp lens, you need to stop down apreture to f8 to get better results. It has 8 aperture blades and minimal focusing distance is about 1.8m. I got my version of this lens for 20$.

Seventh lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II
Everybody knows about this lens. It's also called nifty fifty. When aperture is wide open you get usable photos but not that sharp but when you stop down aperture to f2 you get pretty sharp photos with good contrast. It has 5 aperture blades and minimal focusing distance of 0.45m. I got my version for about 60$.

Eight lens: Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 EX HSM
The Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 EX DC OS HSM Zoom Lens is an incredibly versatile, lightweight, and compact lens designed specifically for digital SLR cameras with APS-C size sensors. Sharp wide open with good contrast. It has 7 aperure blades and minimal focusing distance of 0.28m. I got my version for about 230$.

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Мирославе, за овај текст можеш да купиш још један фини објектив :)

Moglo bi se nesto kupiti. Razmisljao sam o Tair 11a 135mm, mada videcu. Veci mi je prioritet malo bolje telo da uzmem. :)

Само једна реч — Фуџи!

To cu jos videti, nisam bas siguran jos sta cu uzeti. Ja sam vise razmisljao od Sony a6000-6300-6500 seriji mada ne izbacujem iz liste Fuji. :)

Sad mi je jasnije zašto su ti sve slike tako moćne :D
Drago mi je što su ti postovi postali super plaćeni nakon par savjeta. Bravo stari samo nastavi :)

Hvala, idemo zajedno u nove pobede. :D

Nego šta :D

ti si se bacio na manuelce :) ima lepih primeraka, al znaju da budu muka.
Helios mi je zanimljiv za modifikacije. jupiter 37a mi se svidja kao objektiv i dosta je lak za koristenje (helios na max otvoru blende je muka za fokus)

Moraju se traziti alternative kad su objektivi sa autofokusom skupi. :D
Radio sam modifikaciju na heliosu, mnogo bolji bokeh daje. Sto se tice jupitera 37a koristio sam slican a to je Tair 11a.

Little? Haha.. Nice one! 😉

I should have wrote cheap collection instead of little. :D

čestitke na upvotima od henrikdegrote i curie

evo i mog

Hvala veliko. :D

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