Magistral Atardecer/Masterful Sunset

in #photography4 years ago
Maravilloso atardecer en Playa Mansa-Venezuela. Siempre hay algo hermoso de lo cual disfrutar en la naturaleza, en este planeta. Este es uno de mis mayores disfrutes, trato en lo posible de tomarme un tiempo para mí, de regalarme momentos como este para observar este bello atardecer y fundirme en esta maravillosa energía, con los magistrales y encantadores colores, que irradia nuestro amado sol.

Wonderful sunset at Playa Mansa-Venezuela. There is always something beautiful to enjoy in nature, on this planet. This is one of my greatest enjoyments, I try as much as possible to take time for myself, to give myself moments like this to observe this beautiful sunset and merge in this wonderful energy, with the masterful and charming colors, that our beloved sun radiates.

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Settings: ISO-100, F/4.7, TV 1/60
Camera: Digital Samsung PL120
Lens: 4.7-23.5mm/1:3.3-5.9/26mm
Location: Venezuela
by: @mirla33


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