Behind the scenes of yesterday's shoot and some thoughts

in #photography7 years ago

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Morning everyone!

I wanted to share some behind-the-scenes images from a shoot I did yesterday. I've been off the clock as a fashion photographer for a while. There's lots of reasons for it, but, a buddy of mine asked for a favor to help someone whom he things is a rising star, so I said, 'sure, why not.' It was only a couple hours of my time and I'd been hankering to do something creative with other people for a while. If you've ever wondered what a photoshoot looked like from the photographers perspective, this is it :) Small scale, but still the same. It was just me, the stylist (my friend), and the singer.

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Generally lots of walking.

Lots of cell phones. Lots of preening. And, very little conversation with the least for this shoot. I realized from the beginning that it was less of an organic artistic shoot as it was described to me, and more a pointed PR moment with me just shooting the stuff they needed. The collaboration being that I made sure to get the best pics I could, while styling, theme, etc, was left up to them. It's very frustrating as a struggling photographer, but not that uncommon. I loved a lot of the shots we got, but it was more work than it was fun.

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I still remember the moment

Where the singer was doing an Instagram story as we were walking to the first scene, and she was like, 'I'm here on a photoshoot with my favorite boo (the stylist)....' and went on to say a couple more things. After she finished I asked, 'what about me, I'm here too.' Which elicited an awkward laugh. It continued to be awkward for about 5 minutes...until she asked my name again. There were several more instances like that before the shoot ended...

These are the moments when you realize you are just being used. The moment that star catches, if it does, you're forgotten. The guy who doesn't get invited to the parties, who isn't talked with during the shoot, whose name isn't remembered. Yeah, these are the moments. I watch my 'friends' do this to me, as they hire another photographer to do the paid work on a regular basis, and am expected to keep a smile on my face and keep shooting, keep pretending it isn't happening right in front of me. And the moment I mention it, I'm then suddenly excluded completely from that world.

Which, come to think of it, might be what I want. Steemit has shown me another way of life. One that doesn't involve as much B.S.. Or at least I haven't stepped in it yet, hehe.



Loved the behind the scenes photography, you captured some great images. I am sure this is a pretty common story among photographers (in some variant). Much love - Carl

Thanks Carl! Yeah, it is. The normalization of it within the industry is what kills me. I mean, I know people aren't always doing this stuff on purpose, but's very frustrating. Thanks for stopping by :)

Photographers are artists, as much as any singer or stylist or... If you weren't there, the magic wouldn't have been captured. I worked for a photographer for a while (back in the days when I selected slides on a light table to submit to magazines), and I was always trying to make sure the photos got the proper credits.

Thanks for sharing your story, and your photos. Glad you're here. And I'm so glad to see that this post got curied!

Thanks for coming by! Yeah, it surprised me a lot :) A lot :)

That must have been a really cool job. I've seen documentaries about that. Want to get back into film myself, learn how to develop and all that. Something about the physical nature of it...too cool. Giving credit is so important!

More cool pics and stories to come :)

I think what is really cool about this is you took this experience and did make art out of it with this post, even if you weren't allowed to really flex your artist muscles to their fullest as the photographer on that shoot. I thought the behind the scenes looks were really great, they did tell that story of disconnect, of paying more attention to the phone than the surroundings, but also they are some great photos in their own right.

Thanks again for your awesome words :) Being able to tell a story through images is something that took me a long time to figure out. But some situations make it easier than others. I definitely flexed for the shoot and got some amazing stuff.

It's just the disappointment I feel from how the model went about the whole thing. I get how my friend needs to keep her happy as a client and so his focus has to be on her, but the lack of interest, caring, or any real human reaction to me, by the model... I don't know her story, so I can't judge too harshly. But, still sucked. The phone thing is just a symptom of not taking the time to be in the moment and just trying to get on to the next thing. LA is busy, but not that busy, hehe. :)

WooooooooooT!! for the Curie Vote!! <waves to @carlgnash>

Now this true story speaks to people of all walks of life!! Are we not all used in some way? for what we are best in.

I think from here you have to set your boundaries and not as the lost man that will always pick up the pieces when no one else is around.

I have always thought that this world you are working in, in this post, could be a very lonely one.

I think to some extent the Whales on Steemit have similar problems. Are people saying they like something you wrote just to get your upvote or do they genuinely care?

It a slippery slope how to tell if someone really cares in Real Life and well, here.

So You making your set of rules how you will be treated in Life is always the key!!

Artists and you are one of those too! have the hardest time as you second guess yourself more then I think, a ? great business man.

Art is very subjective and open to many people interpretations but YOU know when YOU have the SHOT. You know the one that comes come your soul. The one that just clicks into place and you KNOW it's GREAT no matter what anyone thinks.

and your posts sure seem to make me want to type a whole heck of a lot which IS a pain cuz I keep having to go back and get rid of all the darn red lines telling me I just spelled another word wrong LOLLLLLL

and real friends.....know how I really feel about typing :D

yes, wrote a darn book again and gave you more advice :D

I think I'm going to have to take a nap after all this typing :D

Lol, you rock for taking all this time to write things that make me feel better and help to give me insight into those moments.

I can imagine it's tough to be a whale, if you really care about the community. Like you said, you never know the reason why someone is commenting, following, trying to be buddy-buddy. You just have to follow your gut and hope you're right. Hopefully I can figure a way to pass on some of this love to give another minnow some hope.

As for being an artist/creative...there do seem to be a lot of lonely moments. Those moments where the only strength you have must come from within. It shouldn't have to be that way, but I think because of the commercial aspect all of us need to consider, our minds take on an almost Machiavellian quality when it comes to maneuvering. I suck at it, but can see it coming a mile away. And, like I said, if you call people on it that's a red mark on you. Messed up. All I seek is like-minded creatives who want to do cool stuff, and work together to make the money. LA might not be the place for me. There are so many opportunities, but like @platosgroove and I talked about on another post, sometimes they come at the cost of your soul. And moments like those can scar you. I'm already scarred, and don't want to lose who I am...even if that means following a different tack in life. Which in part is why I'm here :)

I love what I do. Creating images, stories, getting people to smile, making people go 'wow!' I love it more than can be described. And I know people value it...but my unfortunate luck has been that they don't value me as well. 'Can you do this favor for me?' and then forget on the back end to also do favors for me that help bring my career forward.

Anyways @snook, you got me writing a whole article as well :P Thanks as always for your support! :)

My Dad was like that. an HONEST salesman. He could sell anything. He was a GREAT guy to be around and had ton's of friends that made a TON of money off of him helping them but then when he would find out that things were not quite legal he would leave the deal and come home with nothing.......

But from him, I was very lucky and learned that no matter who you are or what you do or how you look you should be treated with respect. If not walk away.

I worked in a Union Man's world most of my life. Not an easy thing for a girl that when dressed up was very hot looking lolll I looked like a whole different person. But I wasn't.

from that, I learned how fake people can be when it comes to looks. to me, it's better to have the respect of an old Union man than anyone else I can think of.

but again it all boils down to how much worth YOU think you are worth. People are not stupid and know from instinct what they will be able to get away with when asking you to work for them.

In my life, but for 1 very long six months, I never doubted my worth not let anyone else.

I came from a very bad 1970's education and worked my ass in a man's world up to where I was top in my position and respected by everyone. Never did I compromise my beliefs to get to where I was.

These men were the kid that only looked at women for how good of a wife they would be........that's putting very nicely LOLL but they treated ME just like one of them until we would go out and I was all dressed up than any guy that thought he was going to get a dance with me and maybe some more was very sadly mistaken lolll

The ring of brothers that would form around me was so funny....most guys then would run away :D

One Christmas work party I went to a new guy had just started about a month before and I walked in in my new Christmas dress and he had no idea who I was. My Boss and I were talking and when his guy figured out who I was his jaw dropped open and said "why don't you dress like that at work"

Before I could open my mouth my Boss steeped in front of me and said, "why should she? She is the same person now as she is at work, except now she has to watch you drool all over her you stupid shit." Yeah that guy didn't last long there LOLLLLLLLLLLLL

and Holy Cow I have written two books again tonight!! and I'm STILL waiting for your smart ass comment on my newest Zombie post :D

well this reply will either put you to sleep or drive you batty LOLLLLLLLLL

Lololol. I saw this reply second and gave a larger eeep. Yeah, it's so true that we have to decide our own value. Mine was worn down over time because such a void that formed around me in terms of response. It was like being in a sensory deprivation chamber screaming but there was no echo. It's hard to maintain high value attitude when it's like that for so long despite your best efforts. But, that was in my past. Slowly but surely I'm pushing my way up and out of the dirt and hands are out there to grab me and help me up into the world. (<----like the zombie reference)

Some great photos, I'm sure they were more then impressed with your work. It does have mixed feelings, I'm sure it's just one of those ways of life that people who know you do photography will take advantage for some good value shots - but then look past you when the have the big money to spend. It's funny, a see something similar - but completely different in my business. You can guarantee the people who come to buy product off me that haggle the hardest, just keep grinding to get the price down as much as they can - when I take the product out to their car it's always a big BMW or Mercedes AMG - clearly not short of money - but then maybe that's just how they make it :-)

Hehe, yeah, they love the work. They just need to learn to value the person as much. Pay it back, so to speak.

It is amazing to see how the people who have money can sometimes be the stingiest. I mean, damn, if I had big bucks I'd be making it rain for a lot of people. After all, the rising tide brings up all ships, or at least it should. Help your friend, help yourself, is how it's suppose to be...

Thanks for dropping by @c0ff33a! All your running around and spreading the love is greatly appreciated! :) You've helped me more than you'll ever know :)

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Much appreciated! :)

There are many circles where people are self-centered as they say in France.
I attended a middle of show-bisness in Paris, from an outside look because I was not part of it but a friend yes.
Most are imbued with themselves, not very open to any other activity than theirs.
Open-mindedness and on others is so rewarding.
I complain these people, money does not bring all and many are unhappy.
Your pictures are beautiful.
Continue, stay yourself a fighter. Great!

Thank you for stopping by and reading! Yes, many people do forget about others. But the creative industry in today's world is not the same as it used to be. There is so much more you need to do to be successful, and it makes it harder to think about the 'we.'

an interesting glimpse into the process of your art and of your thoughts :)
The second photo I really like because you could do a post just on that with the scenery but also phones

Yeah. Lots of frustrating moments trying to make things work in my crazy life. And thanks for your words about that second photo. Not every photo can says a thousand words, hehe.

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