Finally a Photography post Or It was about time! :D

in #photography6 years ago

Even though it was my 7th time visiting London, I did go around like a tourist a bit - to new places that I've never been this time, and liked it much more !!!!

One of those was @creutzy's suggestion, since he knows I like abandoned places and nuclear factories - Battersea Power Station.

What @creutzy didn't know though is that the Power Station is currently under construction so there's no access. After 30 years it re-opens its doors to the public in our near 2020! Also, the area around it is advancing in a extremely fast manner, with new apartment buildings, shops, bars and restaurant, making the Battersea are the new it area of London! -oh and super expensive, clearly haha...-
Even though I was kinda bothered with all the cranes there messing up my shots, maybe the result is not that bad in the end, since it has this strange industrial chic flair ;)
I went around London while I was there with @redrica, @teodora, @immarojas, @colossus39 and @bristena94. But that Friday morning I met up with one of my favorite uni colleagues and close friend Alice -not on Steem yet- who she took a train for a couple of hours to get to London and spend the day together since it's been months we haven't seen each other! What a lovely day we had - and later with the girls all together and our graffiti tour Master ;) Or as Alice put it [mostly because of the AMAZING weather] it was-indeed- a

glorious day!

I really hope you enjoy the photo tour or slideshow or whatever you wanna call it here!

I love the alignment here - and it happened by chance!

That was as if we were indeed entering a Nuclear Zone[or Eastern Berlin before the fall of the Wall] - that's why I thought it goes better in Black and White ahahaha

The beauty around the Power Station!

Just couldn't avoid the damn cranes...

Reflection on the brand new apartment building ;)

Views !

...and my friend Alice <3

Happy week peeps and don't forget to smile ;)


Banner by: @bembelmaniac


Banner by: @thekittygirl


WOW. In the first photo, the sky it came at the perfect line. Full parallel!
wonderful photos dear friend.
excellent but thank you for sharing your short trip with us

Thank you! And imagine I couldn't even see from the sun, it came out by chance!
More of London coming soon ;)

I like this series of pictures. A city with its daily life and work. Excellent surveillance. And nice geometry in your photos.

I love geometry - it's something that me and my Dad had in common, photography wise :)
Thank you !!

These are all amazingly cool, but I gotta say the beauty around the power station is especially awesome! Great shots, @meanmommy33!

Thank you girl !
I wonder how it's gonna be when done - 'cause for now it kinda looks like a huge construction site - well it is, but I mean the area around it too. ;)

Nice one! Do you have the Pink Floyd album Animals?

Thanks! I don't have it but I know it, why??? :D

Your photos don't have the pig in them 8-). Am I confusing you or stating the obvious here?

I had no idea !!! [not a pink floyd person - at least not that much to know album covers ahahaha] But wow! photoshops the pig :P xD

It has been used a lot for photos and movie locations.

Look at it there though... at the album cover... in all its glory, minus the stupid works and cranes...
And I didn't read that much ahahaha even though I did read some when @creutzy told me about it !!! Wow :D <3

I looove these Loop! The ones with the plane leaving its trace behind are super cool... I'm feeling inspired now, got to do more sky photos.
And good call on the black and white ones :)

Thank you sweetie!
Half blind there 'cause of the sun ahahaha!
You think? Well I don't particularly like BW -as you many already know- but you know, more atmospheric this way, definitely ;)

belle! ma hai dei bellissimi banner!

Mehehe vedi vedi???? Ma che cacchio ti piacciono di più i banner che le mie foto allora???? Ahahahahahahahaha :P :P :P
Questo italiano però è il mio preferito, ma pensavo forse si enervano nella comunità perché non sono 100% italiana :P

Guarda che anche a me fanno i complimenti per l'interlinea.....non per le foto! ah ah ah

:P Te lo farò anch'io mahahahaha xD xD

Figa Londra, ci sono stata un paio di volte, bella la scelta delle foto non proprio consuete e più personali :)

Per me era la settima e oooooora mi è piaciuta :P prima niente, davvero ahahaha !!!
Grazie :D

Come alcune canzoni che al primo ascolto non piacciono, se poi le senti molte volte invece si :)haha

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