Back to Photography! - Back to Copenhagen mode! ENG-ITA-FR - My first tri-lingual post!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

It took me a while to get back on Steemit this time! I was under the SteemFest effect (and still am a bit since the SF posts keep coming!!!) plus a lot going on right now, on and off Steemit ;)

Mi ci è voluto un pò per tornare su Steemit questa volta! Ero sotto l'effetto SteemFest (e lo sono ancora un pò siccome i post dalla SF continuano!!!), più un sacco di cose in questo momento, su e fuori Steemit ;)

Il m'a fallu du temps pour revenir sur Steemit cette fois-ci! J'étais sous l'effet SteemFest (et encore un peu depuis que les posts de SF continuent!!!) et en plus beaucoup de choses en ce moment pour moi, sur Steemit et en général ;)

Therefore I thought I owed you a Photography post - it's been a while! Thankfully Copenhagen has been sunny lately, so here are some sunny shots!


Quindi pensavo di dovervi un post di Fotografia - è passato già un pò di tempo! Per fortuna recentemente a Copenaghen c'è il sole, quindi ecco alcuni scatti soleggiati!


Alors j'ai pensé que je devais faire un post de Photographie - ça fait longtemps! Heureusement récemment, Copenhague a été ensoleilleé, donc voici quelques photos ensoleillées!

Days started being much shorter (we have light until around 3:30pm now), but since I am a night owl, I just LOVE IT!


I giorni hanno iniziato ad essere molto più brevi (abbiamo luce fino alle 15:30), ma dato che sono un nottambulo, l'adoro!

Les jours ont commencé à être beaucoup plus courts (nous avons de la lumière jusqu'à environ 15h30 maintenant), mais comme je suis un 'oiseau de nuit', je l'adore!

A little Tribute to Copenhagen!

Let me start by saying that: Copenhagen is an awesome city! But [there's always a 'but' right? haha...] it is very small for a capital and very dark for Southern people. And cold - not as much as they say, but still ;) It is difficult to create a professional (or personal for that matter) network, so it makes life for @creutzy and me kind of harder than usual [I seriously don't know what I would do without him here!]. Nevertheless, beauty can be found literally everywhere here so I don't think we have muuuch to complain about in the end ;)


Un piccolo Tributo a Copenhagen!

Devo iniziare dicendo: Copenaghen è una città fantastica! Ma [c'è sempre un 'ma' giusto? haha ...] è molto piccola per una capitale e molto buia per la gente del Sud. E fa freddo - non tanto come si dice, ma dai...! È difficile creare una rete professionale (o personale), quindi rende la vita di @creutzy e la mia più difficile che al solito [non saprei che fare senza di lui qui, sul serio!]. Nonostante, la bellezza può essere trovata letteralmente ovunque qui, quindi non credo che abbiamo di che lamentarsi alla fine ;)


Un petit Hommage à Copenhague!

Permettez-moi de commencer par dire que: Copenhague est une ville géniale! Mais [il y a toujours un 'mais', n'est-ce pas? haha ...] c'est très petite pour une capitale et très sombre pour les gens du Sud. Et il fait froid - pas autant qu'ils disent, mais quand même ;) Il est difficile de créer un réseau professionnel (ou personnel d'ailleurs), donc ça rend la vie pour @creutzy et moi plus difficile que d'habitude [je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans lui ici, sérieusement!]. Néanmoins, la beauté peut être trouvée littéralement partout ici, donc je pense que nous ayons rien à nous plaindre à la fin ;)

Hope you enjoyed this short slideshow of Copenhagen, the Capital of the Kingdom of Denmark (which is by the way the 8th biggest country in the World - always count Greenland.... ;D ), tell me what you think, and share your own cities! Steemit is super-international and that was obvious during SteemFest! Let's keep it on people! And as I always say...don't forget to smile! Have a great Sunday fellow Steemians!


Spero che vi sia piaciuta questa breve presentazione di Copenaghen, la capitale del Regno di Danimarca (che tra l'altro è l'ottavo Paese più grande del mondo - contiamo sempre la Groenlandia ....; D), ditemi cosa ne pensate e condividete le vostre città! Steemit è super internazionale e questo è stato ovvio durante SteemFest! Andiamo ragazzi! E come dico sempre ... non dimenticatevi di sorridere! Buona domenica a tutti!


J'espère que vous avez apprécié ce court tour de Copenhague, la capitale du Royaume de Danemark (qui est d'ailleurs le 8ème plus grand Pays du monde - comptez toujours le Groenland ....; D), dites-moi ce que vous pensez, et partagez vos propres villes! Steemit est super-international et c'était évident pendant SteemFest! Allons-y alors! Et comme je dis toujours ... n'oubliez pas de sourire! Bonne Dimanche à tous!


fantastic photos! i love Copenhagen :)

thank you deary !!! E ante ela kata edo! :D K tin epomeni fora prepei na grapso k sta ellinika to post, kseftila, tora to syneiditopoiisa xaxaxa :P Axxxx ta eksoterika mas faganeee k ksexasame ti glossa masss ;)

Boasting about your language skills, eh?

'lil bit :P I didn't write in Greek though :P Or in Romanian - quite yet.....muahahaha ;)

Yeah yeah, keep boasting. We can all use Google translate :p

Yeah, but you can't correct it when it fucks up - I can :P <Translator Differences :P >

So you claim :p

ha! You can check - try to translate the English text in Italian and French. I'm pretty sure it won't be the same on translator as it is here...Those are though 'easy' languages for Google Translator since there are many volunteer professional translators helping improving it (including me ;) But I work with English-Greek, Greek-English mostly ;) )

Means you wrote gibberish here, then :p

I don't see how you got THAT out of what I said, but yes, it's gibberish then - people won't get it but it doesn't matter, since it's mostly about the pictures after all ;)

Attention! @meanmommy33 la polyglotte arrive!!! Light until 3:30?! Wow, i guess its a great excuse to post more often 😉

mahahahaha :P En effet! :P
Yeah...that...or sleep all day and forget about your life :P

J'espère que le français ça va !!! Je t'ai dit que je l'ai oublié un peu hahahaha!!!

Oui c'est top! Quelques petites fautes mais rien de grave ni d'incompréhensible. J'adore!
Tu as plus de courage que moi.

ah nooooon !!!! :/ tu vois? J'ai oublié mer*de :P

Aaaaahahaha mais non, regarde, tu sais quand dire merde. C'est parfait. Ne change rien.

Trusting the French - ok alors ;) hehehe

Great post! Copenhagen is beautiful :-) Do you know @katharsisdrill ? He's a very talented artist and also living there.

Thank you my favorite @shortcut ! :D And no, I didn't know him but I do now and I'll sure contact him !!! We want to do a DK Steemit gather up with @creutzy people but don't know a lot of Danish people on the platform or people who live in DK, so that's an excellent start - he's amazing indeed!!! :D

We want to do a DK Steemit gather up

Yeah, that sounds really cool! I'm glad, that I can help getting you guys connected :-)

You're the @shortcut ... to everything !!!!!! :D <3

Indeed! Here is another guy from Copenhagen, I just unwittingly stumbled upon: @raci (Raffaele)

My God you know everything !!! How ??? Haha, by chance straight to my luck I guess :D I was thinking of finding a way of searching by location but it wasn't possible so far - or is it??? ;)

Not that I knew... There's only the (crappy) google search or try searching for posts using the #denmark tag.

Yeah the tag thing I tried - I even stopped using it and I live here hahaha! But Google might actually work - as crappy as it is ;) Thanks -again you're @shortcut - ting me to easier solutions ;)))

una città che non conosco....un giorno forse...andrò

Vieni vieniiiiiiiiiii :D :D :D Facciamo festa OCD curatriciiiii

Nice photos @meanmommy33!
"E come dico sempre ... non dimenticarvi di sorridere!"
You should have written: "Non dimenticatevi di sorridere!".

Multumesc pentru asta @silviu93 !!! Indeed!!! Initially I wrote 'dimenticarti' and then I edited it wrongly! I'll edit it now ;)

You're welcome!

Next time add greek :)

I sure will ! I mean...I should ;)

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It's beautiful..what's all this fuzz? Let's swap??!!

It is beautiful! Just a biiiit difficult to live. But I wouldn't swap with London honey, sorry, I kinda hate it :P [to live -to visit it's ok :P ]

What to hate in London??? I know there's not much original food here got some stuff 😎

It's not about the food, I'm just not a London person. I like Paris and Rome - can't like everything, right? :P

Right..but London? How could u?

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